Overflow question

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2006
Everett/Bellingham, Wa
I have a 55 gallon acrylic tank w/o an overflow.

I would like to drill a hole and put an overflow in.

What would the demension of the over flow need to be???
I would like to put it in the middle of the tank so it would be a three side box instead of 2 side
I am not sure just drilling a hole in your tank will make it have an overflow... Are you talking an intake for a closed loop or a surface skimming type overflow....?
i have also thought of doin this and am intrested in the the thread goes just a bump
The size of the overflow box number of teeth and width of teeth on the overflow will determine the amount of flow it will handle and then the pipe can be sized to that. I know there is a calculator somewhere that tells you the flow based on total length of the overflow.. Let me go see if I can find it...

Here's the link...

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1 Inch inlets for Overflows is rated around 600GPH, I have drilled many tanks, it also depends where you want the Overflow exiting the tank at. If you have a Tempered bottom then do not drill it, The alternative is to drill the back of the tank . Most decent LFS will drill it for you if you dont want to risk it. There are alot threads that help you in this and alot people in clubs around your area that can assist as well.
I would also recommend doing the 3 sides not like a box. i would do the sides slanted to make it more low profile. This gives you more surface area for the teeth as well.

what size overflow teeth

Is there a calculator for cutting the teeth? I want max flow from my internal overflow. Drain is 1.5" bulkhead w/ matching durso all the way to sump..... fill 1" bulkhead and 3/4" from pump.....current space between teeth of 3 sided overflow is 1/8".....flow is not good because I think teeth are too close. What size should the space be between the teeth of the overflow to maximize flow?
Here is another good link I found for you

http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-07/gt/index.php It talks about non-toothed overflows

As far as the measurements of the teeth I would try to find one at a LFS and take some measurements and see what it was rated it to get a ball park figure on what you need to do for your application. Also look what vendors are selling and the dimensions to get a rough idea.
Overflow box questions answered!

Some of you know of worldclassaquariums.com, and some of you don't. So, I will introduce us and help you guys out a little on this overflow box topic.

I have over 15 years in the salt install, design and maintaince business. This is what I have come up with.

Our standard overflow teet specs for a REEF are as follows.
.375" tooth to a .250 gap, and ten inches of teeth can drain 1000 gph reliably under ideal conditions. So if you like to let the coraline grow over your teeth, then get a bigger box.

I fab all kinds of ofb's and can custom make any thing you dream up. If you need more technical info, your going to have to talk to me at the PSAS picnic on Sat. You can also buy a raffle ticket for one of our Extreme Duty 120Gal. Reef tanks.

You can always PM me, and talk on a more one on one basis.

Good idea with the egg crate and gutter guard...the overflow with no teeth flowing 3k gal is little extreem but nice design. I think I will start with opening up the teeth a little at a time....glasscages.com standard is 3/4" tooth with 1/8" seperation between teeth.....even though I have 20" of linear overflow I do not think the overflow is built to handle all it is capable of handling. Time to dust off the ol dremel :)
jpg @cfi:

when cutting the teeth how do you figure on the height/depth of the tooth?
i realize that more flow equals higher water level, and the opposite true as well.


Reef teeth with CFI is 1.125", high flow is 1.500 height of gap. High flow is also .375 tooth, and .375 gap. On a 5x14 ofb, we put 2000gph to it and it just laughed at us. (under
best case situations, no corlaine on teeth)

When you order a custom tank or overflow box from us, we get involved in the design of the tank, this way everyone is on the same page.

awesome...thanks for hte quick reply...im getting ready to build an overflow today or tomorrw so this thread was right on time!

how did you come up with the measuments?

how did you come up with these perameters, trial and error?

1.5" hight of gap
3/8" teeth
1/4" gap

my existing overflow is 5"x10"x5"
1.5" hight of gap
3/4" teeth
1/8" gap