Overflow refugium

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Nov 21, 2012
Fife, WA
So my shrimp keep swimming over the weir, there is a durso stand pipe in and they seem content to swim/hang out on the pipes, and im having heck of a time trying to catch them. The flow is 600gph in a 24" tall 15x15" triangular space. I was thinking I could throw some miracle mud, live rock gravel and chaeto in the overflow and put it on a reverse photosynthesis. Please let me know what you think.
Dont think thats a good idea to do in the overflow. You dont want anything in there that may clog up the overflow pipes.
That would cause the tank to overflow.
That was quick! Well, would a substrate growing macro be a good alternative or should I not do a refugium at all? I have gutter guard but I have so many returns it's going to be a pain in the butt to fashion a cover.
You should do a refugium if you have space for it, just dont do it in your overflow.
What kind of room do you have in your sump? You are using a sump, aren't you?
You can build a refugium and add it to your sump or hang it on the back of your tank. If you have room behind it.
How big is your tank and sump? How is your sump sectioned?