Tim Tang
Im just starting out dont know witch way to go I have a 90g tank. Please help
T5HO will allow you to keep most corals, including high light demanding SPS. PC lighting will allow you to keep just about any soft coral and some LPS. That's it. With T5HO, make sure you get a quality fixture, with individual reflectors. I have a Tek5, 6 bulb fixture, over my 75 and have very high light demanding Acropora, T. crocea and T. maxima clams and a Sebae Anemone. They're all doing very well.
make sure you get the nova extreme PRO model, with individual reflectors and cooling fans, VERY important!!
and yes, there is no comparison between pc and t5ho, not even in the same ballpark...
And then of course there is metal halide...
Yes, there is MH, the OLD way of keeping a reef tank. Yes, they do work. However, they give more HEAT, and fewer color choices then T5. In addition to that, MOST who run halides also run "supplemental" actinic light, via either T5, VHO, or PC. If you want to run Halides, great, but that is not the question here is it? I think your response only adds confusion, is not helpful, and is short sighted.
Wow, I certainly wasn't expecting that kind of response to my eight word post.
Thanks for all the info guys,I ordered a Tek 8x54 should be here by Wed.Do you think i need a fan?
What does everyone think of this fixture? I am planning on getting it here soon for my 90 gallon. http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~idProduct~CU01153~tab~0.html