Petco in lakewood

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I hate to say it but im thinking the only reason why there was any improvement was because everything died so theyhad to clean out the tanks and headqeurters sent people to the store to talk to the employees. I havent been there in about two weeks but i will be going this weekend.
I did go and pick up some salt , but dont recall seeing anything interesting. But i think that was friday.
there still crappy as ever i just recently purchased a yellow tang from there just to save the little guy.. they had like 5 tangs in the same tank and they were fighting the hell out of each sad that they cant actually hire somebody who knows what there doing and has the time to actually do maintnence
If I had a dollar for every thread Ive seen on RF bashing petco I'd be rich. Give it a rest. I have gotten good stuff from petco myself. They get their clowns from ORA, same place specialty stores get them. Sure they are irresponsible when caring for their livestock but there are some specialty stores that do the same. Ive even seen a dead fish on the sand at my favorite reef store. Ive had dead fish in my own tank!
I should also mention that there are Petcos that have decided to axe the SW section because of the inability to care for the animals. I don't believe I ever saw a thread about that though.
Thats great! Thats kind of the idea.... Take care of them for real, or don't do it! But I also cannot just stand by and watch a company profit from taking such crappy care of their animals without saying something. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but seeing hundreds of animals die upsets ME.
I have personally bought items such as an ORA neon dottyback from petco for $19.99, which most local fish stores ask up to $59.99 for, and it was healthy, happy and the exact same fish.
The thing is there is this high and mighty I am a "real" hobbiest and hate petco mentality.

Its like a bunch of super models sitting around bashing Kmart. I think it comes off stuck up.

Had it not been for petco, I would have never started keeping saltwater fish. Thats where I was exposed to the hobby.
okay. Thats great. But did you read the rest of this thread? I'm not looking to debate this or anything, but the more i get into this hobby, the more I see how rampant the problems with SOME of these stores and the irresponsible way that they care for fish. Sure, sometimes the fish die. but when an entire stores livestock dies because of the way they maintained their tanks, i think it says something about their SW knowledge. Or when they have FIVE niger triggers together in a 15g tank, that are killing each other, and on and on. You know about the store in puyallup on canyon and, probably others. I just have a problem with sitting back saying yeah, they're a bad store, but every so often I can get a good find out of the semi-dead stock, so whatever. If people get together and say, hey, take care of your fish or you're not going to sell them... who knows what might happen??? Maybe all these creatures wouldn't have to die so somebody can make twenty bucks.
hmm i went and buy a sebae at petco long time ago and didnt research about it(impulse buy)..guy said just float the bag for 20-30 mins and its good to go,i told the guy i have pc lighting he said it should be fine..i went home did what he said after i woke up in the morning sebae look like a melting ice cream..i felt really sad for the anemone and blame myself plus its a waste of money..after months i bought a rose anemone from fellow reefer and it was a bit bleach but with taking care of it the color came back and right now very healthy,,, i remember about the sebae and said to myself it wasnt my fault,its already dying when i bought it(bleached color,not attach to anything,not bubbly,gaping mouth) and the guy who said hes been doing saltwater for 7 years is the one to blame..or cheated just to sell their dying stuff...i dont know oh well i told myself ill never buy livestock at petco ever...
Last time I went in the petco in southill they had a good variety of softies for sale along with some nice prices on some shrimp varieties..
The funny thing was there was a gecko hiding above the lights over the tanks..
I used to go into petco from time to time to get dog food but after they raised the cost of a 33lb bag of nutro from 38.99 to 48.99 I've stopped going. I'll be getting my dog food from the feed store from now on, higher quality food at a lower price. I was pretty surprised when I was in there last week and found their prices on alot of things to have gone up a good amount.
