PFO vs. Orbitec lawsuit is over

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Its just a shame they may have ruined a company that has actualy done something for the hobby. I for one would not buy one of their lights for just that reason.

I'll wait to pass judgement until I actually learn more. I do agree that PFO was a great company that has advanced out hobby considerably. However, at this time, without more research, I can't say that Orbitec did anything wrong. Until I learn more, it does seem to me that they had a patent in place and enforced that patent. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Orbitec team up with PFO in the future.
I agree with Don. Pat is a good friend of mine and I have had a number of discusions with him on this subjuect. I say Orbit did do something wrong. They knew PFO had a patent pending and some how go their patent first. IMHO it is becauce they deal allot with the govermemt and other patents thry have. Second, LD's where out and sold in this hobby for aqaurium application back in the early 90's, so Orbitec does not have leg to stand on just on those grounds alone. They trired to over take the rights of small company and run them out of business. And who knows, they may have. I'll have to see if I can get ahold of Pat.
Well, tell Pat we certainly are sorry. I know I have always been taught PFO was one of the best, and on Sanjays website it seems you get the best PAR from a PFO ballast. I know I have had PFO ballast and moon lights in the past and had no issues with the quality of the products. Infact not even two weeks ago I purchased two 400W HQI ballasts that are also PFO. Its such a shame that a household name in the aquarium business has to go away, and its sad that its not at the hands of the evil economy, but another company trying to knock them off their stool.
I know if PFO can ever come back from this I will purchase their products again.


I agree with Don. Pat is a good friend of mine and I have had a number of discusions with him on this subjuect. I say Orbit did do something wrong. They knew PFO had a patent pending and some how go their patent first. IMHO it is becauce they deal allot with the govermemt and other patents thry have. Second, LD's where out and sold in this hobby for aqaurium application back in the early 90's, so Orbitec does not have leg to stand on just on those grounds alone. They trired to over take the rights of small company and run them out of business. And who knows, they may have. I'll have to see if I can get ahold of Pat.
They will get theirs, just wait until the chinese and or korean companies start making led lights dirt cheap. They will corner the led market just like everything else in this hobby and they could care less about a us patent.

I'm with you brett, I love PFO's products.

We support local sources first, right now we are missing PFO:cry:

Add me to the list of reefers who support PFO. I have some of their products, and they work great for me. They are also an in-state manufacturer and employer.

I hope no one got the impression that I don't support PFO, because I definitely do. I'm very impressed with their products and have the utmost respect for them. My only point is that I didn't know enough about the facts of the lawsuit to pass judgment on Orbitec. Just wanted to clarify that!! I hope that, in the future, PFO is able to recover from this, and get back to being a great Washington state employer, as well as a flourishing company!!
Just a last piss-me off note till I clam down. PFO is no more and will be no more. Meaning, PFO is gone for good...PERIOD. They did more than just bankrup PFO, they bankruped Pat also.
Kinda hard to do sid when you have no money left and owe your lawyers, private parties and employees tons of money and can't pay them. The lawsuit was dropped as PFO is broke and has no money to carry on the lawsuit. They have filed for bankruptcy, as I have seen the document. That is the only reason the case has been dismissed, because PFO has no funds to carry it on. So, Orbitec has dropped it also, as they got their dead horse where they wanted it.

Nope, that is not the way most lawsuits work.
I'll wait to pass judgement until I actually learn more. I do agree that PFO was a great company that has advanced out hobby considerably. However, at this time, without more research, I can't say that Orbitec did anything wrong. Until I learn more, it does seem to me that they had a patent in place and enforced that patent. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Orbitec team up with PFO in the future.

The way that the American Legal system works is whoever has the deepest pockets wins. Even if you lose, you can tie things up for so long that you still win. Orbitec employed this strategy against Pat and bankrupted his company. That is why they don't deserve our money.
It's also sad news for the people that paid a lot of money for Solaris lights that will have no support or warrenty service now.
Crushing and frustrating news. So sad to see a great company, that Pat and others probably poured their hearts and souls into, destroyed in this manner. Our best wishes for future success to all the great people we interacted with at PFO. Anyone finds out who Orbitec partners with please post it here.
It is too bad that PFO is gone, and the method seems cruel and heartless, but, honestly it is all just part of being in business. I own PFO Ballasts, and I have for years. I won't pass judgment on Orbitec on the basis of how they won this battle. I will judge them on their products they produce. I really don't think that if any of us were in a like business situation, we would do anything differently. In business, the strongest survive.
I do feel for PFO's owner, but, he should have had things set up better so that if the business went bad, he was still somewhat protected. It is too bad, hopefully he will bounce back.
Sorry jetmech, I disagree. There is a morality to our hobby and the businesses that support us. Orbitec has used the courts to do what their products could not. That is immoral and their business should not be patronized. A company that is not responsible or ethical should not stay in business. The current state of the economy should all remind us that unethical business practices do have consequences that affect us all.