PH doesn't get above 8.1

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Mr. Reckless
Apr 3, 2009
So i was watching the graphs from my Apex over the last few days and it seems my PH hangs out 8.09(night) to 8.13(day) throughout the 24 hour cycle. It may go a little above that when the Kalk Reactor goes on, but not much. My corals seem to be doing fine, but the Low PH doesn't give me much wiggle room in case something were to happen. How can I increase the PH without having to dose PH buffer daily?
I moved the thread to Boomer's forum for you. As for ph, that is one thing I never tested for. Couldn't tell you what mine ever was :oops:. I think the fact that you are keeping it pretty much consistant is the main thing, but from what I remember, I think 8.3 is what most shoot for??

Anyways, hopefully the others will chime in and also, are you sure the your apex was calibrated right? Maybe do another reading with a test kit and verify? Just a thought. :)
My PH was stable at 8.3 untill I began using bio pellets. For the last year and a half my PH is right at 8.1 with no issues. Are you using Bio Pellets?
No bio pellets. Krish the,apex is less than a week old with freshly calibrated ph probe.
That's fine. I would not worry to much about those numbers. My PH use to jump from 7.8- 8.0.

Try airing out your house with some fresh air. Most times ph will drop due to the oxygen content going stale inside the home. My last reef I had the skimmer air intake plumbed outside and that helped a lot.
No bio pellets. Krish the,apex is less than a week old with freshly calibrated ph probe.

Ahh...Bad probe?? :D I wouldn't worry too much. I know at one point I use to run a light over a "fuge" section of my sump while going through the cycling process where I promoted cyno and hair algae to grow in there using a freshwater light. I figured if I made conditions better in the sump for it to grow there than in the main display, then that would make me happier as it would be out of sight. It worked and as I tried to work off 10 ppm of nitrates it would continuously grow down there and I would siphon it out each week. So what's the point?? LOL!!:p Well, I ran the lighting over my fuge section on an alternate photoperiod from the tank. I've heard that this will help you maintain a more constant ph as photosynthesis will be taking place basically 24/7 (someone can confirm this). Alot of the time, people's ph will drop during the night as all lights will be off so if you have a fuge and are using an algae, then this is probably going help you keep your ph pretty consistant. I mean your fluctuations aren't bad at all. Consistancy is the key and the range you are in doesn't seem like anything to really worry about. I'd imagine my ph was low because I had no natural buffer in the form of a substrate etc but didn't worry too much about it as all my corals did well. As I mentioned, never tested so couldn't say where my ph sat.

Just a few thoughts. :)
Frankie- Thanks. I feel better knowing someone else (especially with your experience wouldn't worry about it) My corals seem to be doing fine. I may plumb a line to the skimmer from outside this next time as I plumb in a drain for auto water changes.

Krish- Good thoughts. I don't think the probe is bad, as it tested properly against a new 7.0 and 10.0 PH packet. As far as the fuge light I have a ATS running into my fuge with a grow light on either side.

On a side note I also run BB tanks so that may be a cause (lack of buffer.) I buffered it up today back to 8.3 slowly and will see the trend pattern if it drops. The only other thing I can think of is I may be in an Ionic imbalance. So I might have to actually get out my test kits:rant:
What salt are you using? Is you alk low as well? I have hard time keeping alk up and I know if my pH is 8.1, my alk is too low as well. If I keep up on my 2-part (BRS alk and calc) then ph and alk seem to stay more constant at ~8.3 and 9 dkh respectively.
i would think ur fine imo....U want a constent ph. It can range from 8.0-8.3, as long as its a constant number. Your okay imo
If you pH is stable at those numbers and you alkalinity is good then I wouldn't worry too much about it. My tank historically reads just under 8.2 with alkalinity of 8.0 - 9.0 kh.

James @ Reefkeepers used to work for Barrier Reef and told me he kept the main display at 7.8. I never asked cy or anyone in the store if this is true but I can't imagine he would make it up. :)
With your number somewhat in line it doent look to be a big issue. Remebr though that your salinity plays into the equation also, temp will effect it, circulation, airation at the surface along with skimmer air?, algae will also play a role.


How can I increase the PH without having to dose PH buffer daily?

Your issue is the issue of many, it is slightly high CO2. DO NOT chase your pH with a buffer that is a NO-NO. All you will do is temporarily increase the pH, the Alk will go up, the pH will fall again you will add more buffer to do the same and before long the Alk will be through the roof. Leave what you have alone, it is fine. You try to fix that and you will have a mess.

8.09(night) to 8.13(day)

Many people in this hobby would kill for those Numbers :) With your numbers of dKH @ 9.3 your pH should be ~8.35. One has to remember that when one bumps up their Alk they also bump up their CO2. For the sake of argument, if your pH was that 8.13 and your Alk was 6 dKH, the Alk of NSW, your pH should be 8.18. So, where is the extra CO2 coming from

1. Slightly high room air CO2, which drives CO2 into the water. Fix, run outside air to the skimmer or much better, a CO2 scrubber or a sump as a Refugium

2. Tank not so clean with being slight over stocked or to much feeding. The obvious, slow done the feeding and siphon off crap collected on the bottom.

If you tank was mine I would leave it alone and STOP adding buffer for pH. If your Saintly is 33-36 ppt and your temp 75 - 80F, at an extreme, there will only be a 0.,01 pH difference. 99% of all low pH issue are from CO2 and 75 % of the time it is from room air CO2.
Mojo has resurfaced again........this is good :D

So, **** -head, are you going to MACNA or not ? An do not give me this I do not think so crap :lol:
So, **** -head, are you going to MACNA or not ? An do not give me this I do not think so crap :lol:

Hey Smart has 5 letters not ****. If you promise to buy me a drink I will go.
