Photography from Meeting

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Hi all!!!

Tonight, we had the SRS club meeting at our home. The discussion topic was photography. Lots of people brought along their cameras and snapped lots of pictures. We discussed some of the basics and a few tips for taking tank pictures. There were so many people here, that I wasn't able to get around to each person, individually, and discuss how the picture taking was going. I also probably failed to answer questions that some may have had. For that, I apologize!!

This thread is for sharing the pictures taken tonight. Post pics you took, if you'd like. Also, feel free to ask any questions, regarding technique, specific camera settings etc. If you'd like to comment on other pictures, or give advice or tips, please do so. However, I ask that it all be kept in a positive and fun tone!!

When posting pictures, if you're able to, please explain what camera you used, what camera settings you were using and so on. If you don't know that information, most of our photo software will allow us to view our Exif data. The more information you can provide, the more we can all learn.

Oh, Joanne, how do I post those great videos you took!!!???
Guess I'll start it off. I didn't actually take any pictures last However, Scott, (Sandswhitson), played around with our camera and took a few. Scott, I should have let you use some of the other lenses as well. Didn't even think about it. So....these pictures were all taken with a Canon Rebel Xt and 100mm Macro lens, camera set to Manual mode. I'll list settings above each picture. By the way, GREAT pictures Scott and thank you!!

Auto Focus
Shutter 1/100
Aperture f/5.0
ISO 800

Same Settings

Same Settings

Same Settings

Same Settings

Here's a great example of a shallow DOF (Depth of Field) and settings changed a bit. You'll see that only the coral that Scott focused on is in focus. The foreground and background and a nice blur. This is a very nice effect and there are different ways to get this effect. With an aperture setting Scott had, I'm a bit surprised that the DOF is as shallow as it is. Wider Apertures, (lower Fstop) usually create a more shallow DOF. This picture was taken with a higher Fstop than the previous ones. The downside of the higher Fstop, that you might notice, is less available light, though it wasn't needed in this photo. This can be overcome by using a slower shutter speed.

Auto Focus
Shutter 1/100
Aperture F/9.0
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Yay! I may not be able to make it to the meetings anymore from NC:( But I am glad I still get to see pictures! More please:D
Um, that's about it man, the delete function got wore out. But the ones I got are OK. There are actually 3 of that clam, I just couldn't toss all 3 of them, they all turned out really good.
The picture of that clam turned out great!!! I knew I had a pretty clam, but didn't realize just how pretty!!! Thank you again for stopping by for a visit!! It's always good to see you :)
Hey Angie, I still have the originals of the clam, I am thinking of a desktop background!!!! Do you want me to e-mail one of them to you?

Oh, thank you for having me, I always appreciate the hospitality and BS. :):):):)
Doing well in NC- Thanks. Sure miss the NW reefer group and the great LFS though.

Charlie- did you get your tanks back up and going?

Micheal and Angie-Keep those corals a growin and you will be out of room lickity-spilt! Lookin great!

The meeting was great. Thanks for having us all :) I was wondering, you mentioned something about a cheat sheet but it is only for Cannon cameras. I have a Cannon. Is it something I can get?
Pedro...Yes it sure is. It was something I'd planned on printing out and handing out at the meeting, but it totally slipped my mind (easily done), earlier in the day. It actually came from Barbie, who was kind enough to provide it for us. It's not specific for photographing aquariums, but does offer some great tips on specific settings to use, or at least try out. If you remember, she mentioned her Son in Law, Reid. It's actually a guide sheet that he developed for Barbie, I believe. He's an amazing photographer!!! I'll figure out a way to get it to you soon!!
OK, here we go. None really fantastic, but at least a few keepers ;).












These were shot with my 100mm F2.8 macro lens on my Canon 40D at an ISO of 320-400 and an Fstop of 5.6 (ish) and 1/85 of a second exposure. Hopefully that will help someone! I'll make a second post with the rest of them.

Wow Barbie, great pictures!! 1 question, your mention ISO 320-400. Does your camera have a "variable" ISO, or were you adjusting ISO, within a range from 320-400? Also...How Incremental does your ISO change? I have to change mine in increments of

Thank you for Reid's links. I felt it would be better for you to post them, than myself!!! Oh and BTW, did you know he's an amazing photographer!!!??? LOL
No, no range, I was just messing with it among the other settings. It's always different for different tanks. I still didn't really find the best setting, but at least you can tell what some of them are ;).

Reid rocks! Now to get him to go take pictures and teach me! Luckily for me he loves my cooking, hehe.
