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wow, wow, very pretty. what lens are you using?
The kit Canon lens, 18-55mm I believe...
very cool. that's the lens i have, but my pictures don't look like yours. do you use a program setting, if so, which one? if you use manual settings can you tell me which you use? thanks!
So, when is Brie giving photo lessons at barrier. I have that lens and my macros dont look anything close to as awesome as those
I always use manual.
What I usually do for tank pics is use flash on the lowest setting, drop the shutter to about 20-25, and f/stop as low as you can go. You can adjust accordingly until the photo looks right. As for color, make use of the custom WB feature. You can also bracket the WB and exposure so you'll get 3 shots at whatever distance you set. I usually go 1 stop each. If you wanna bring your camera in one day, I can show you what I mean. That is if the Lord and Masters(Cy/Tim/Chris) are ok with it.
Photoshop CS4 also helps with post processing. And there are WAY better reef photographers on here then myself. hehe.
Awesome photos Brie,
6th pic in the second set a (setosa)???. Someone pm me a price please.
Thanks Mike