I have had nothing but frustration with the larger EV-180, just like the post above, the foam collapses randomly (in addition the the expected collapse after feeding mysis shrimp). Just when it gets going good and I get a tiny bit of foam going into the collection cup, I lose the foam pushed from below. Then I have to feed, and by midnight the foam is up again, just to collapse again well before spilling into the collection cup. I just can't seem to get it to effectively pull anything out of my tank. I have tried different water levels in the skimmer and the 1" below the top plate does seem to work (actually a little higher is best), but it never gets a chance to keep it up for very long. I had been using ozone, but discontinued that to see if it was the variable or problem. No improvement.
In addition, I have had problems with the manufacturer. My 180 soon developed crazing and cracking problems, and it took several months of prodding before I finally got a replacement skimmer from AquaC. That replacement did not have the JG ozone/ca reactor fitting like my original, and when when I asked for a new one, the company severed all communication with me. Does anybody out there want to buy a brand new factory sealed EV-180 without the JG fitting for $250? I am sorry, but I cannot recommend it.