I'm sure I'm asking a question that's already been answered, but I can't seem to find it directly in any of these 28 pages. I have 3 maximas (3", 3", 6") and 1 crocea (4"). The crocea was in the tank first, and has been part of this discussion a few pages back. At this time, the crocea has been pinched down completely inside the shell for over 10 months. One of the maximas (3") has also contracted this disease, and has been sucked into the shell for about 2 months. The other 3" maxima is now showing the very first signs of ruffle on the edges, so I know it's coming. The final clam, the 6" teardrop, still looks great, but I can assume this clam will also fall victim to PM if I don't do something.
So... I've fresh water dipped the crocea before (30 minutes) with no effect. I've done an Interceptor treatment, a Flatworm Exit treatment, and a simultaneous Int/FWE double dose. I've tried quadrupling my carbon regiment, which usually runs 24/7.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem that a FWD followed by placement into a new body of water free of PM seems to be the answer. If I understand correctly, placement back into the same aquarium only subjects the clam to the same protozoan/virus/bacteria/pest/whatever that causes PM, and the PM will return. So I will be using a quarantine tank, and have a few questions.
Is it appropriate to FWD the clam(s) for 30 minutes, then place them into the new tank? This tank is cycled and has LR, sand, and some macro.
Is it OK to dip all four clams simultaneously and place them in the QT simultaneously?
Has anyone figured out the time it tanks for the existing tank to be free of whatever causes PM, so I know when to re-introduce back into my main tank?
Are there any other precautions I should be wary of?