Pinched Mantle

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It is good to know that there is now a treatment out there for this horrible disease. I had actually decided that the 7 clams I have were enough since I don't have the problem. So now after I get moved into the new house I may have to look for some new ones. Thanks to all who have put soo much time into developing this treatment, I will keep up with this thread and wish you all the best of luck.
Barry - when you do your water changes and dose more metronidazole, are you adding metronidazole in the amount that goes with the new water, or an amount of metronidazole for the whole system? (example: metronidazole for 10 gallons of water change, or metronidazole for 60 gallons of the entire system)

Thought I answered this question but I guess I did not. SORRY! When I do a water change, I add the full dose like I did when I first started dosing the medication. Was told that the metronidazole will break down, so I use the full dosage for the 60 gal q-tank after doing water changes.
Shoot :( I haven't been doing that, but only dosing the amount that would match the water change water. Guess I'll start back to the 20 gallon dose tonight. Thanks for the clarification Barry.
I went down in the basement to check on the clams before I turned out the lights, and was a little concerned about my smaller clam. This afternoon, the clam was looking much better, but this evening, it isn't looking so hot. I couldn't see either siphon :shock:. The way it looked, I actually thought it might make it, but now...I'm not so sure. The larger clam looks improved from the gaping state it was in. Its been so long since I've seen a normal looking clam, that I'm not sure if the larger clam looks normal or not. Take a look at the pics and let me know what you think.

This is the larger of the 2 clams. It was gaping, and if you look back at the photos from the first day of treatment, I think it looks better:


This picture is of the smaller clam. I don't know how much longer this clam will make it. I'm hanging in there and being patient, but the comparison from this afternoon to now, is quite different. Maybe I would have a more positive outlook if I could see the siphons, but I can't :( :


They look a lot better than the first pictures you took. You have to remember that those clams have been through a LOT! I can't see that any of the mantle is retracted back into the shell so it may be ok but if the mantle starts to retract, then I think you know what is to come. :( The first clam looks SO much better!!!!
Wouldn't be from your lack of effort, nikki. The first one sure does look a lot better, and I hope the second one hangs on!
It is attached to the rock that way. When that rock was in the main tank it sat level because of where it was located, but when I removed it for QT, it sits cock-eyed. I'll try and level it out this morning. Up until last night, the second clam had its mantle extended, but it was pinching and curling on the top half. When I saw it last night I was very surprised by what I saw. I haven't gone to check on them yet this morning - hopefully everything will be alright.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks the first clam looks better. I can't believe it after it was gaping so bad. That's one tough clam :)
If its holding on that is a pretty good sign. Means its has enough of its energy budjet to donate to that. Just leave it as it, dont move it. I wouldnt even look at them for another week, remember not only does it have to get rid of the parasite but it also needs to recover from the damage it sustained from them, that and all the treatments to.
If they completely recover from the meds and so on it could take months to loose the signs of pinch.

Sounds good, Mike. I'll listen to you again :rolleyes: LOL - and leave it be. I'll also try and not look at them for a week, but you know how I am. I suppose I could blind fold myself, go down the curvy basement stairs, turn on the lights to the tank, and dose the meds...lolol. Who knows....I may not be so klutzy that way :D .
Am happy to report that all the Tridacna croceas that we had in quarantine that was infected with protozoan is now gone!!! YA!

Will provide some other observations and thought when I get all my documentation togeather and sorted out.
Awesome Barry! Great news to hear. How is everyone else doing with treatment? My larger clam still looks good, and the smaller one isn't retracted like in the photo above anymore, but is still pinching....the curling is minimal at this point.

Keep treating till the pinching is gone. I went a few days longer than what they suggested as far as medication.
Great news Barry. I think I will be treating mine very soon. The one thing that I'm now concerned about is if the protozoan will still be alive in the main tank while the clams are being treated. I just don't want to put them back in the tank if the protozoan is just waiting for them. I guess only time and everyone else's (and my own) experiences will tell.
ive been treating mine for 8 day's now ,but the first 5 day's i was only adding enough metro for the water change.Now i'm doing the full dose every water change and they look realy good :) but 3 day's before i started my treatment, i did a FWD so they have looked good since the start!i'm going to keep on keeping on for another 4-5 day's then keep the main tank clam free for another 3-4week's.
The one thing that I'm now concerned about is if the protozoan will still be alive in the main tank while the clams are being treated.


That I can not answer. I would suggest doing some water changes but at this point I have not idea.