PLEASE be honest when you post

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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You know I dont know what to think of this. Yes be honest for sure but I dont want folks to feel they cant speak on any subject with out a lot of experence. Someone might put out a post that is 90% correct but might be misunderstanding a couple of things. Should they be flogged?? not at all.
The concept of RF is to stimulate conversation on any reefing subject. Do you need to bring all your facts and back up with ya...nope. But you might be asked to elaborate or to offer some back up to prove your point. Please dont take that personally its how we all learn, and 9 times out of 10 it stimulates more conversation. Nothing here should ever be taken personally, nor should it be given in that manner. This hobby is full of alot of confusing and incorrect information. Showing someone the proof or back up behind a concept is a good thing for all, it lets folks cut through the loosy goosy stuff.

Now have a good time with it, its a hobby.

Mike, you said basically what I said in an earlier post here...

Previously posted by Krish75 Thinking you honestly know something and saying it is fine, even if it not correct, but knowing better and knowing something you are thinking is wrong, but you say it anyway, is misleading

I also understand where you are coming from with the rest and it's true, no-one should not post just because what they have to say may not be "proven or fact" If that was the case, with my intelligence, I'd have maybe 100 posts...
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caveat emptor

So Mikey what you are saying is that one person's experience is anothers BS? I have to agree. This and other forums are here without validation or scientific refutation. That is the nature of discussion.

I do not think that a tank should be inhabited without a 10x surge tank to give the appropriate amount of flow. That is not based on fact and is pure BS but if you look at the animals in those enviroments that kind of flow does not even approach what these animals get on a daily basis. Does this mean that we should not keep these animals? absolutely! Is that realistic? absoultely not!

There may come a time in OUR lifetime where these species become rare. It is up to us self-agrandised authorities to identifiy, understand, and propogate certain species or they will go the way of the dodo bird and Tasmainian Tiger. It is up to us to use ALL of our understanding (incuding in some cases BS-because that is all we have) to promote these species first and as an anticedent to that the hobby
What Mike said...

Elitism is lame and often very deconstructive (not to say that is what the original poster implied, but that could be the genesis of the posed ideology). To be honest, I don't know many that would ever post knowledge that they trully know to be false or irresponsible. We all carry disclaimers, although some are more "knowledgeable" than others...

Just my 2 pesos...

Take er easy
Scott T.
Here's what the original poster meant or his intentions in a more simpler way...:)

Thinking you honestly know something and saying it is fine. No crime commited in saying what you believe or what you think, if it is your honest opinion. Nothing at all wrong with that...


Knowing better, or simply just knowing that what you are about to say is wrong or stretching the truth, but go ahead and say it anyway knowing this, in my opinion, is not right because it can cause someone some problems.

I'm honestly sorry if my thread/message bothered anyone or was conveyed the wrong way. I didn't mean to rub anyone the wrong way if I did. I've been here long enough for people to know I'm not like that. I don't know why Ilham felt he needed to start a similar thread (if it is the same reason I did), but it's obvious I'm not the only one thinking... Sorry again everyone and go and have fun posting:)
I heard a quote in highschool once:

The best part about being young is not having the experience to know that you cannot possibly be doing what you are doing.

I think that applies to some of us newcomers to reefing.

I'm not quite sure what this had to do with this thread but it sounded good.
I heard a quote in highschool once:

The best part about being young is not having the experience to know that you cannot possibly be doing what you are doing.

I think that applies to some of us newcomers to reefing.

I'm not quite sure what this had to do with this thread but it sounded good.

lol !! good one dood :) .
mojoreef said:
You know I dont know what to think of this. Yes be honest for sure but I dont want folks to feel they cant speak on any subject with out a lot of experence. Someone might put out a post that is 90% correct but might be misunderstanding a couple of things. Should they be flogged?? not at all.
The concept of RF is to stimulate conversation on any reefing subject. Do you need to bring all your facts and back up with ya...nope. But you might be asked to elaborate or to offer some back up to prove your point. Please dont take that personally its how we all learn, and 9 times out of 10 it stimulates more conversation. Nothing here should ever be taken personally, nor should it be given in that manner. This hobby is full of alot of confusing and incorrect information. Showing someone the proof or back up behind a concept is a good thing for all, it lets folks cut through the loosy goosy stuff.

Now have a good time with it, its a hobby.


Good points Mike.

I actually know several people who have joined RF and are afraid to post. We take it for what it is. Even if the information is wrong or partially correct, either one just doesn't say anything about it, or is corrected in a stimulating conversation.

But IMO...I think I'll stick to clownfish posts.... :D

- Ilham
moortim said:
I heard a quote in highschool once:

The best part about being young is not having the experience to know that you cannot possibly be doing what you are doing.

I think that applies to some of us newcomers to reefing.

I'm not quite sure what this had to do with this thread but it sounded good.

I think this and "OSHITTA" are in a dead tie. Post Of The Month material.

> Barry :)
i think at the beginning we're all afraid of posting or at least i was because i didn't wanna screw up, but you gotta get over it and post away.
Even if it's just an idea or just an opinion, as long as you're not telling someone to dump Bleach or feed your breakfast to the fishes:D :p ..
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krish75 said:
A few weeks ago, diablo started a thread entitled, "Please be positive when you post". It was a great message he conveyed here which supports RF standards to the fullest...

Well, I just wanted to send out my own message here today for all of us to PLEASE (as much as possible) be honest when you post. I can't stress enough how important that is. Giving "in-correct facts", "half the story", "not filling in the blanks", "making up things" etc. can cause someone some serious problems if they don't know any better. I know we have some really intelligent people here that know "BS" when they see it, but then there are still others here that are new to the hobby etc. that just don't know any better and therefore can fall at the mercy of these posts. Please don't wait to be called out on something you said which you cannot prove or cannot back up. Before that has a chance to happen, either refrain from posting, or just post the facts that are proven and true. Thanks...

I agree man... Kinda to change topics, have you ever heard of petro dosing? I added 3 gallons of 87 octane gasoline to my sump and my sps grew like 13 inches over night.:lol:
Putting justifications in back to back replies IS NOT ALLOWED ! ! ! It just shows that the person who is posting hasn't really thought out what they were trying to say, and really smacks of insincerity in that respect. You should really put more thouhgt into it before you make those kinds of statements.

> Barry :mad:
Barry, I think I hold the record here for posting the most "BS" back to back. Hands down no-one can compare to me or my hijacking experties!!!:p But it is all fun and games "BS", and like Gabbs said, once you aren't telling someone to dump bleach in their tank then go for it. Whenever you guys get a little bored, check different threads and see who is usually the first to welcome new commers and try and make everyone feel comfortable about posting and welcomed. I don't think I was MOTM for my knowledge because I don't have very much. It is seriously all good everyone. Let's try and have some "good" fun and learning here. Don't mind me when I fly off the handle sometimes. I may be a schizophrenic and don't even know it;)
Ok so about the bleach thing................
what if someone (possibly myself) has done that in the past:)
(not on a salt tank mind you, but it is very effective against certain types of FW snails and algae):oops: