nice idea. Plumbing is almost all done now. I have lots of unions and 3 or 4 valves.
I ended up ordering a second overflow box so I now have 2 drains (each with a valve, one with a Tee off to the fuge).
Am actually about to put my return pump in and going to lowes to get stuff for the connection.
Good idea about the check valve. My sump is big so should be able to hold the water, but that will be a nice safety.
I plan on attaching the pump to the rigid PVC frame with a short length of flexible tubing. I'll add in a check valve, and possibly another union also.
Thanks! Off to lowes. Bad boy is finally almost ready for water.
Oh, and I ended up going with 2 drains with 1" pipe. Less holes to drill, and seems good to stay on a 1" standard. Second drain gives me a backup incase one of the drains or overflow boxes clogs.