Please Don't Trade Red Bugs!

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:) I have seen the Dang tank and its obious he knows his stuff!!
" no contest " That said I take anything that came from that tank. Thanks Dang for sharing your frags and knowledge with other reefers here, you have inspired myself and many others i'm shure.:)
i have a question abourt the Interceptor..when i went to get frags from the guy in south La the other day, he told me that a dip in it does nothing at all!!! he said the corals must be left in the Interceptor for 6 this true??????? also, how can you get enough Interceptor to dip every single coral???
Ron. it does not take weeks to dip, takes minutes.
One only needs enough to make up a gallon or so of water and that is MUCH less than a tablet of any size.
OMG, thats crazy, Ron, obviously someone doesn't know what in the world they are talking about. The Interceptor comes in different mg's or strength's. You can get through a vet. and crush up a part of the tab and mix it in tank water and drip the corals for an hour or so and you're good to go.
drip the corals for an hour or so and you're good to go
drip the corals???? do you mean drip the Interceptor mix into the container that the corals are in???
Ron you know how a dip works, same as with fish. "Dip" the corals in an interceptor solution for an hour before adding it to your tank. The interceptor only goes in the tank if you are already infested with bugs and want to treat the tank. This treatment is hard on most tank inverts and kills many, so best to dip and be safe.
I just use a one gallon glass bucket filled with tank water and a bit of interceptor added. You can use anything to keep it warm, I sit it on a cooler part of the hood away from the halides. Keep it 74-80f No need for any added equipment as it is only a quick dip.
kewl thanks dood :)... i mean i don't have any sps with red bugs :p but if i ever buy one with them its nice to know how to do it .

i know you guys say that you can buy this interceptor thingy at the vet, but can you buy it at petco too?
The bugs are microscopic. Most don't know they have them until looking at a large blow-up picture. Treat all new acros. The drug is a prescription medication available only from a vet or another reefer with extra. Comes in different sizes. There are many threads one can search here for with the rate of Mg/gallon. Make sure of how many mg your tablet or pack is first to determine the ratio of mg to gal.

Here is a great link:
sometimes my fingers don't type what my mind is saying. Of course it should read dip.

23mg=380g tank water
11.5mg=180g tank water
5.75mg=90g tank water
2.3mg=38g of tank water

I usually get the 11.5mg and use part of it when I'm adding frags. I hope no Petco sells this. It is a heartworm med for dogs.
You guys are right. I should not have mentioned Dang by name. I knew I was crossing the line a little, and I guess it set a negative tone. I apologize to Dang and Reef Frontiers for pointing the finger with a jerk attitude.
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I do stand by my opinion that trading redbugs without explicitly telling the person about the potential problem is wrong.
Matt I don't think anyone here including Dang, who clearly posts his red bug warnings whenever he is selling, argues your point about open disclosure. Me thinks that with or without disclosure and regardless who one buys acro from, it's best to dip.

"It's the only way to be sure." Ripley: Aliens (1986)

Wish I had done Lugols dipping on my new Monti's, just discovered Mont eating nudis on my green plating that had been doing great until some new Monti's were added recently.

Live and learn, that's the nature of this hobby.

Regards to all and no offense intended to anyone.
I apologize to Dang and Reef Frontiers for pointing the finger.

next time just say dang red bug is bad:) :) :) ,,appology excepted no're the man:) :)

i'm setting up "dead to red bug dip tank",before i will give to any body,,just to make sure but don't forget to dip it again on your own and enjoy it.
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i'm setting up "dead to red bug dip tank",before i will give to any body,,just to make sure but don't forget to dip it again on your own and enjoy it.

dood with or without bugs i think people are gonna still beg you for your tamarind tort :D:lol:.
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