Please Don't Trade Red Bugs!

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That blows my mind about your vet wanting to look at the coral in question before dispensing interceptor.

It is the law. Every time one of us asks our vets to dispense interceptor, were also asking them to put their livelyhood on the line.
I find it amazing that the drug company hasnt tried to make some money by trying to get federal approval to prescribe the stuff for corals.

to bash someone on this forum ,thats not cool!
there are lots of people here that know alot about this hobby to say the least once again NOT COOL!
I find it amazing that the drug company hasnt tried to make some money by trying to get federal approval to prescribe the stuff for corals.
My thoughts also :) They could make a small fortune and very fast. This should be an over the counter drug for sure.

My thoughts also :) They could make a small fortune and very fast. This should be an over the counter drug for sure.


Some moron would kill their dog.:) They could easily sell a coral dip or something aquarium related that nobody is going to feed their poodle.

lol !! wouu i still can't believe vets wanna see the coral :lol: .... it's not like you're go selling drugs :lol: .
or someone would get the interceptor and not have the dog heartworm checked and it kill the dog. Can you say lawsuit... If the dog even has microscopic larvae in the blood stream they cannot be given the interceptor as it will kill the larvae and they will go to the heart and clog the veins and kill a dog faster than anything. I was a vet tech before my car wreck..
i'm new here but can anyone explain to me why you all WANT red bugs. why do you glorify the fact that someone has them and willingly tades them? i thought they were a bad thing to have, but after reading this thread it seems like im in the minority??? just a question.
Hi polydactyl, this is all in fun cause if you've seen pics of Dangs sps reef you'd see that if he has red bugs{which I cannot say for sure};) you'd see they do no harm to his sps. They are awesomely colored and grow like crazy. This all started with someone saying if he had red bugs they wished they had them like him cause his sps reef is so incredible. I know of 1 other sps reef where red bugs cause no damage whatesoever. Yet some sps tanks have some and color begins to go as well as health of the corals.
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i'm new here but can anyone explain to me why you all WANT red bugs. why do you glorify the fact that someone has them and willingly tades them? i thought they were a bad thing to have, but after reading this thread it seems like im in the minority??? just a question.

Hmm while some people freak out about mantis shrimp others freak out about little bugs.

My arcros are just fine :p
i knew the red bug is very bad,,i agreed with everybody
but,,,,,all my my sps lived with the bugs for long time and never killed my accro,,what can i say,,lucky mabe?

concered about red bug:just treat you system and kill them all bugs,,,,,and be happy,,learn andleave bad experienced in the past,,moving forward with better grow better color in the future with no bugs,,,my 2 cents
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i've seen his pics, why his corals done exibit any problems i'll never know. i heard through the grapevine that one of the greater seattle area lfs got some frags from him that were indeed infested with red bugs and they were not told about the infestation. i understand that most of these posts are tounge in cheek but it might steer newbies(like myself in the wrong direction). besides just because his corals dont have any problems with them it doesnt mean that the tank they go to wont have issues. i dont know i just dont understand why he gets all this praise when after reading what i have on this forum it seems like he is just proliferating the problem. i am also all for it is the buyers resposiblity to dip everything, but shouldnt they atleast be warned...i guess thats all i'm getting at. sorry for this whole diatribe and i hope you all understand that i'm just a bit cofused as to the whole situation. i'm not pointing fingers or trying to bash anyone either. just wanna put my 2 cents in for what they are worth. these red bugs are an interesting critter...but i guess like all parasites some hosts are more resiliant then others.
here we 're going again ,,,jump on that guys,,good or bad ,,i am really start to get used to and start to enjoy all comments,,,that will make me even stronger,,gonna love it:D
I'm of the mindset to not take anyone's word when it comes to live purchases. You can't see most of the things that will come in on live purchases anyway. Even if the LFS says they quarantine, always assume livestock you buy is invested with something, and treat/dip/quarantine before putting anything into your display. Don't take any chances, and you won't be sorry.;)
I'm of the mindset to not take anyone's word when it comes to live purchases. You can't see most of the things that will come in on live purchases anyway. Even if the LFS says they quarantine, always assume livestock you buy is invested with something, and treat/dip/quarantine before putting anything into your display. Don't take any chances, and you won't be sorry.;)

yes,,,yes,,,i am total 1000% agree with you,,,then on one to blame:)
i've seen his pics, why his corals done exibit any problems i'll never know. i heard through the grapevine that one of the greater seattle area lfs got some frags from him that were indeed infested with red bugs and they were not told about the infestation.

that lfs came to me and begging and begging for frag,,,they knew i had the red bug,,every body knew Dang has the red bug,,oh boy,,blame it on dang's red bug when they don't even know howwwww to keep their sps a live?
wow!! just crack me up,,ha ha ha:badgrin:
Ive come to the conclusion that they really are not as bad as they are made out to be. Ive had them and treated for them. I have them again and have done nothing for over a year. The corals dont look act or grow any differently.

I might even breed more so I have somthing to trade with Dang.

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