PLEASE HELP! nano tank going crazy

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Like I mentioned above, the rock was cycled already and the aquarium has been running for quite some time when we got it. So what do I do now???
Sorry my fault for not reading lol. You can try manually removing for the time being. Id recommend getting your own RO/DI just to be safe. It's also much easier making your own water vs hauling jugs everywhere. Although you do have a small system. In the long run its much cheaper making your own water vs buying it too. I didn't read through this thread but are you using some type of p04 remover? I think this will help you tremendously! I've never had a hair algae issue and I've always used p04 remover in a reactor. Many people have given up in this hobby due to HA outbreaks. Sounds like you're on the right track so far and keep it up!
I'm starting to lose hope! One of the purple firefish has some white spots on him! I think I'm going crazy along with this nano tank lol! To make things worse, I caved and bought 2 more frags today when I went to buy frozen fish food... I'll post a pic of the fish...
Here are some pics, please help...


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Small nano sw tanks are a pita. I had a 10g with a hob filter and a par38 above it.
It was upgraded to a 20L in no time. I'd run a skimmer if ur not. Small wc s with a cup every Friday or something will help... A small powerhead... Idk thinking right now hurts.
I agree with above. 10 gal with SPS is PITA to maintain.
When you get a chance, let us know how your whole set -up is like. MAybe we can pin point what is missing.

by the way, did you get a Goby fish or any Sand shifting fish inyour tank recently? When they start digging caves in the sandbed, anything that was trapped in the sand can be released in to the water colum and causes algae bloom......especially if you dont have the right filteration system in place.
Yea... We do have skimmer running. It's pretty cool, it has all the filter slots and everything built in, as well as the overflow. We do want to upgrade to a 70-100 gal but still want to keep the small one. There is just something about it that keeps me tied to it!

By the way, some of the spots on the purple firefish are gone...
I'll try to figure out everything that is running and let you guys know along with some pics of the whole setup.
Ok, here are some pics...
This is the info I know: Aquabeauty LED lights 35w, Aqua Gadget skimmer up to 40 gal size. (It's the special skimmer that goes inside the back of the tank. The tank is Innovative Marine with built-in overflow and pump included. (I do t know the power of the pump but I'll update when my husband gets home). As for the filters, it has some white and blue sponges in the back compartment along with some white rocks in a net baggie. We also have some red macro algae inside the aquarium. No reactors of any kind, no dosing, just real simple. Let me know if I'm missing something important.


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So this is just a suggestion but if I were you I'd ditch the current L/R you have and go with some new stuff. It could take months for the HA to finally go away. Also add a small nano pump for better circulation. The maxi jet is ok but doesn't provide the wide flow like a hydor, tunze or similar pump. I'd invest in a reactor for carbon/phosphate or at least run it in a bag in the rear chamber. You will notice a big difference especially with reducing p04 and water clarity. Nice little nano though!
Nice nano!

It was hard to see but Algae didn't look all that bad.
You mentioend Rocks and sand were from established set-up.
Maybe sand bed was disturbed during the set-up?
Or did you add small amount of sand from the established set-up to seed the new sand?

I'm starting to think your sand maybe the probelm.
Thanks for all the suggestions. We are actually thinking about changing the rock in the tank. But mostly we are just waiting to see how things go. Everything is improving slowly, the corals seems to be doing fine and recovering. We are also manually removing some of the algae, it seems not to be growing as much. Also got a new carbon filter, but no reactor yet. About the sand, I don't really think it's the problem. We are doing major weekly water changes and the tank seems to love it! Will also order the Kent M magnesium supplement to help get rid of the bryopsis algae, we didn't find it in any stores.
Quick update: we got a sea hare this week and dropped him in the tank.... All I can say is wow! That thing is a monster! He almost cleaned out the whole tank in less than 4 days! We were very close to getting new rock, but now, everything is looking very good. This little slug is really underestimated! If anyone wants him next, let me know. If not, we'll take him back to the store once he's done.