Please help with my Blonde Naso Tang...

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NaH2O said:
Hang in there! Keep those updates coming!


BTW... I offered Nori on a clip and she pecked at it. She acts as if the texrure is still a bit rough on her mouth. maybe once it softens.

But after "12 days" without eating... just to see her interested has me thrilled!!!

Friday report::::

I completed my tasks early this morning; uploaded her pictures to a new folder, did a 50% water change on the QT, re-medicated with KanaPlex and performed a series of water tests.

She decided to go for the Nori I have n a clip. Throughout the day she ate most all of it. It was a 1" x 2" piece. She keeps showing interest in the broccoli, but nothing yet.

She ate a couple of small pieces of Omega One flake again today, out of my hand and a couple of pieces that were floating around in the tank. I even offered Emerald Entree, but she had no interest.

When she does attempt to eat, she eats very cautiously and gingerly, still. Patience isn't one of my strongest virtues. ;)

She is definitely swimming around more today and picking at the glass and power head... looking for algae build up, I assume. I'll take that as a good sign.

Her lumps are doing VERY well... Like steve-s says... if you didn't know that she has been sick, you wouldn't notice the lumps at all. I look back at the gallery and cringe.

Baby steps... I'll take them.. ALL of them. :)


Sunday report.

Saturday, I felt we were regressing somewhat. Her lumps her a little more prevalent and she wasn't as interested in eating flake out of my hand. But I continued to offer her food several times a day... but she wasn't very interested.

This morning, her lumps seemed better, smoother. After talking to steve-s and his review of her daily pictures... he informed me that the lumps are not from the infection but from her finally eating again.

Instead of offering her food several times a day, we switched things up and I only offered her food 3 x's. It worked! She "aggressively" went after the Emerald Entree.

Steve-s suggested Ocean Nutrition's Spurulina formula and also the Prime Reef and Formula 2 (all frozen, not flake). All contain Beta Glucan and are a great food source. I'll be starting her on those tomorrow.

Her personality is beginning to shine again... she looks forward to me sitting by the tank, she follows me around a bit more. Its been 2 weeks since she has shown that behavior. Another baby step. ;)

I am tickled at her progress... 13 days w/o eating and now for the very first time... I can actually say I think she may be on the road to recovery. I know it's not over yet, but after today, I feel more confident in her recovery than I have for nearly 3 weeks.I have steve-s to thank for all of this. He doesn't even know me and was kind and compassionate enough to offer his expertise and guidance... it just blows me away.

Cross your fingers that tomorrow will be a better day for her and she will eat the new foods we introduce.

On Monday, I will do another 50% water change, remedicate with KanaPlex... this will be the third and final full dose. ( I hope) :)

Will post again Monday night... to follow her progress.



I think you and I should start a Steve s Fan club!!:lol:
Kudos to you too for sticking with it and nursing this awesome fish back to health!!
Awesome Donna! I'm glad there is so much improvement!
donnales said:
On Monday, I will do another 50% water change, remedicate with KanaPlex... this will be the third and final full dose. ( I hope) :)
I checked back through the thread and PM's but couldn't get a clear timeline, wasn't Friday the third dose?

If so, the treatments are done! :cool:

Uh ohhh! Too late! :( Just finished up! what do I need to do????

Oh, and this am she wasn't interested in eating the Emerald Entree... barely pecked at the Nori. (this was previous to the water change)
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I have a question....forgive me if this was mentioned in the thread already. Steve - what type of infection would this have been? I'm trying to learn all I can. How can you differentiate between the lumpiness being a problem/infection, and one of food in the gut. Is the behavioral changes one of the main indicators, or was it the lumpiness, or perhaps something else?
NaH2O said:
what type of infection would this have been?
Not sure on this one, I am still waiting for Donna to answer one question on the food fed. Could have been a bacterial infection related to food contamination, something akin to dropsy (a build up of acidic fluids) also bacterial or coincidence in relation to the BTA.

How can you differentiate between the lumpiness being a problem/infection, and one of food in the gut.
In new fish or fish you have never kept it can be difficult but in general it's more a matter of being familiar with the fishs' common appearance. With food, there will be small nodular bulges/lumps as the gut fills up, infections will be more rounded and usually pronounces in one or more area's as apposed to uniform "lumpiness" from eating. It's also knowing how much food is fed vs the size of the inflamation. If the belly area keeps getting larger and the food intake doesn't support it, there is a strong possibility of that or intestinal blockage.

The one thing to always remember is the lack of a proper ability to test and verify diagnosis for most marine fish maladies means it ends up being best guess. Truely not the healthiest route sometimes but we don't have much else.

donnales said:
Uh ohhh! Too late! :( Just finished up! what do I need to do????
Leave it until Wed and then do a good water change and run carbon.

Oh, and this am she wasn't interested in eating the Emerald Entree... barely pecked at the Nori. (this was previous to the water change)
This will be an ongoing process so don't be too alarmed. The med will have something to do with it as well. You won't be transfering her back to the main for a few more weeks so there will be plenty of time to fatten her up. :p

Hey steve-s!! Lookie here! :)

She kept choosing the Nori over the I didn't feed Nori today... ;)

I'm trying to wrap my brain around this one....why is the broccoli more important than the Nori? What additional benefits does the broccoli provide over the Nori?
NaH2O said:
I'm trying to wrap my brain around this one....why is the broccoli more important than the Nori? What additional benefits does the broccoli provide over the Nori?


I'm sure steve-s will chime in but I will share with you what I've learned thus far.

I had been offering her Nori every other day. A tangs diet should consist of mostly greens, 65% is my understanding. You know how Nori gets all mushy and flies around the tank if not eaten in an hour or two? The brocolli can stay in over night and will not degrade as quickly.

Also, Broccoli is one of the most healthful foods we can eat and very nutritional. Rich with vitamins and minerals and notably vitamin C, folate (folic acid), and potassium and it contains a good amount of beta-carotene. Low in calories and fat free. lol In conclusion, if it's good for us, must be good for them!?!?! :) (I eat raw broccoli frequently) but that's another thread. lol

Once I get her eating broccoli, shelled peas is next on my list. ;) Makes perfect sense to me to offer a variety of greens that are good for them... As much as I love crawfish, I wouldn't want it twice a day.. everyday! :D

Hope this helped you,

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NaH2O said:
I'm trying to wrap my brain around this one....why is the broccoli more important than the Nori? What additional benefits does the broccoli provide over the Nori?
There is very little nutritional difference between nori and broccoli except carb and protein content, the broccoli being slightly less. I couldn't find the PM's with the links I sent her with the FAQ breakdown on the major/minor components. The major advantage is the broccoli is far less polluting, does not fall apart easily and the fish gets a majority of what's placed in the tank. When dealing with a QT environment, it makes it much more advantageous for water quality and the health of the fish. In regards to the main tank, check out the PO4 level in Nori, you'll think twice about using it daily.

As Donna discovered, it takes times for the fish to grow accustom to it and takes time for them to try it. Foods of this type must be frozen well in advance of feeding and/or blanched to break down the fibers making it easily digestible. Never feed fish raw fresh veggies, it'll plug them up.

steve, can you blanch the broccoli first then freeze it? also I heard peas mentioned. are we talking regular sweet peas? what other kinds of veggies are good for the tangs? steve