plumbing question?

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Use one of your containers for the sump, poke a hole in the side for a bulkhead and gravity drain it to your fuge, which is now the 10 gallon glass tank. You could sure put a baffle on one end for the return pump!!
Yeah that was what i was thinking...
Where could i get starboard? If it is too expensive (im already spending more than i want too :\) then i was thinking about just going with a very shalow bottom, or putting a white poster board underneath to get BB and still have a white bottom.
Nvm i found some @ 12x30", Perfect! Its 25.05, is that a good price? Its the workhorse series. Is it the same thing as starboard?
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with that much flow, most of the outputs on top and 2 in the middle, do you think a really shallow sand bed, like 1" will be ok? or will it be blown to the sides or something?
hi guys i need your help iam setting up a 180 gallon fowlr setup this is my first marine tank and i cant wait to set up. but at the moment a little confused, my lfs tells me to get an ro unit is this really nessasarry could i not just fill the tank with tap water and filter well for a month before i add any live r or fish. thanks let me know.
hi guys do i really need an ro unit could i not just fill the tank with tap water then filter it for a month .
I would strongly suggest the RO filter. You could test your tap water and see what the phophate levels are and also check with your water district for a report on what else is in the tap water (ie chlorine, nitrates, etc.). Typically there are enough nutrients in tap water to feed an algae bloom in your tank. If you, on the other hand, have good tap water (come do), then more power to you...spend the money on livestock.