PM monster look alike traded at PSAS Frag Swap.

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Hey Ed - just wanted to let you know my purple monster look alike frags are still doing well & even growing a bit.. the two left arms are starting to get a little longer I see & the base is starting to cover the superglue that I used to secure them.. Thanks again!

P.S - I've just become friends with a guy, who works with a guy, who knows Steve Tyree. I'm still trying to work out cost and details, but he thinks he may be able to swing me a frag for me of the original for about $150 or so. He's got to do some fancy trading to get it.. but , if all goes well, I know I'm getting the real deal and I don't have to wait till 2011 like these guys here:

:D :D :D
Just wanted to provide an update and I'll do some side by side comparison so you can see progress.. first one taken a few days after I initially got it home.


next one is a few days ago... can see some good growth happening.


Thanks again ED! :D
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You are welcome. I just had a frag you didn't. You did all the work. When was last frag swap September? Thats some pretty good growth from a slow growing coral. Well, I hope we can all share new colors next month At BBC.

I have another green coral I am hiding. I call it my HULKster. I was going to give one to Scott. Scott said share it with club. Its a really cool green with black. I hope we can keep those cool colors flowing. :)