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Man how does everything stay put in that much current...My 20 gal nano only has about 375GPH.....apparently im slackin....maybe when I hook it onto a sump Ill go for about 725GPH total what do you think....anyone?
On an open loop, like a sump return, there is head loss! Your statement is only true for closed loops. :)

If the dart is your sump return then your looking at about (very rough) 2800+3100+3100=9000gph

Holy Crap!!!

I never would have imagined i'd be pushing around that much. 9K i like the sound of that. Thanks for figuring my flow guys!

Thanks a lot,

Man how does everything stay put in that much current...My 20 gal nano only has about 375GPH.....apparently im slackin....maybe when I hook it onto a sump Ill go for about 725GPH total what do you think....anyone?

ROFL! It's all about how it is placed. If I had all my almost 4,000 gph of flow coming out of 1 nozzle, nothing would be able to stay put...Not even the water in the tank(LOL) I have mine coming out of 7 nozzles right now and I'm going to add 2 more "Y"s so I'll have 9 nozzles. Not as strong when shared up like that:)
Take a look at all of the outlets on my tank & each one has a "Y" on it, so yea it is flow placement, my tank has less turnover than most here but it is well placed, where most glass tanks can't do.
I have a 60 gallon with a closed loop run by a dolphin ampmaster(2,700gph), and the return a mag 7(about 700gph).
55 gallon with 2 maxi 1200's, mag5 return from sump and css220 (unknown gph) the rest total around 900gph
my 28 reef has a seio 620, maxi 1200 and a maxi 1200 as a return from sump
around 1000gph
How about this....My tank is glass (not drilled) how would I go about hooking up all those nozzles in mine.......???? Just for future reference since I dont even have it hooked up to a sump/refugium yet but plan to in the hopefully near future....
With a glass tank it would make it hard. The only way I see to put in a close loop on a glass tank you'd be to make a PC piping grid on the back inside. Then where you want a nozzle put a threaded tee in.

Not sure size of the tank but another way would be to build a false back out of acrylic. Drill the acrylic and plumb it all up then place it in the tank. You would loss some area but you it might work also.

Easiest solution would be to use power heads.
artman: if you don't want to drill the glass, another method is an over-the-back closed loop, such as this one:

directions for that are here:

Granted it would be pretty hard to get numerous outlets vs drilled, and isn't as purdy as drilled either, but it is possible to do a closed loop without drilling. This solution still has other advantages like a drilled closed loop vs powerheads.

ehhhh what do i have??

30 gal, (10 gal sump) with two maxi 900's so 460gph, plus the mag 7 700 gph

thats 460+ 700

1160gph being circulated.
Yeah I have seen melev's stuff and thats the origional idea I want to use......just waiting to get equipment to set it up in the not to near future but hopefully soon.....
38g, SPS dominated.

1835gph from powerheads and HOB filters. I'm getting ready to replace my Seio 620s with 820s, for an additional 400gph.
55 Gallon Corner. 1255g/h at minimum and 1375g/h at maximum. (1 Seio 820, 1 Rio 85, 1 Rio 180 I turn on sometimes, plus the Mag 3 from my protein skimmer if you wanna count that?). That turns over the volume of the tank 22.8 times/hour min and 25 times/hour max. I keep a mix of softies and LPS.

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2 tanks low flow

Main 150 gallon LPS & Softie tank 1 ea Mag drive 24 routed through 2 Sea swirls on the ends = 2400 gph @ pump
Center sea swirl has a mag drive 18 routed through a chiller then back up to the center = 1800 gph @ pump

75 gallon sps tank 2 sea swirls hooked to a mag drive 18 = 1800 gph a rio 2500 is in the sump running water tru a chiller loop then back to the protien skimmer =200 gph ???