Powder blue with ich

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I have a digital refractometer if you want to cross reference. you could bring yours over and we will make up a 1.009 solution using the digital refractometer, and then set your to 1.009 usiing that solution. your refractometer being calibrated at Barrier for say 1.026 may not be as accurate at 1.009 aslo doesn't take much to knock some of them out. I have had my manual refractometer be off by .05 after only a few days of testing once.
Well I lower the salinity to 1.008 and held for about a week. The slime on the Blue tang started to slime off and killed the tang. Prob do a fresh water dip and copper next time. I also did a hypo for my Blonde Naso right before I got this blue tang and it worked fine. Not sure what went wrong.

Thank you for every1 input
Well I lower the salinity to 1.008 and held for about a week. The slime on the Blue tang started to slime off and killed the tang. Prob do a fresh water dip and copper next time. I also did a hypo for my Blonde Naso right before I got this blue tang and it worked fine. Not sure what went wrong.

Thank you for every1 input
Powder blue probably developed secondary bacterial infections, opportunistic attack situation can occur with prolonged infestation. Sorry to hear about it but if keeping an ocean in a box was easy, "everybody would be doing it"