Preventative Coral dips

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I'll add to this.

First the original information on interceptor for redbugs by Dustin Dorton:

Second the information on dipping in interceptor (personally, I don't trust this method) hmm, apparently Eric Borneman's site no longer exists???, so this is the second best thing.

On Acro eating flatworms

I bought Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure from Kevin to do a preventative dip for these.

From what I've read the Lugos solution is extremely hard on corals. I tried fresh water dips and the coral hated it. I haven't had AEFW, so I don't know the best method for getting rid of them.

From experience with Red Bugs, I know they can take a long time to die. I also treated my whole system just once before and had them either come back or live through the treatment leaving the medication in for 24 hours. After seeing them again a couple weeks later, I followed Dustin Dorton's 3 treatment process, but over doesed and decided to leave the treatment in my tank for 48 hours each time. Here's the thread I started when I had a problem with the red bugs.

After getting rid of the red bugs Mike and I decided to buy a 40 gal tank and the lights to support corals so I can quarentine and treat the corals before they enter my display. We also have a magnifying glass.

One more thing to add, I chopped up the interceptor pill with a razor blade then virously mixed it in with the saltwater in a pitcher and poured it into the tank, some gets mixed in some doesn't.
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Iodine (Would the typical iodine found in a drug store work or do I need Lugols?)
Possibly Interceptor
Possibly Flatworm Exit

Anything else??
Hi, recently i got wiped by AEFW. would like to share some view on this.

Tried TMPCC as my main treatment initally and setup a Qtank for my sps. after 2-3 weeks treatment, i still manage to see the eggs (newly reproduced by AEFW) and it was very harsh on the sps. I do not think they work very well. i also found that TMPCC is very similar to Lugols solution.

Some reefers tried Salifert FWE for 100 times dosage and reported this does not work on AEFW but works pretty well with other type of FW.

Melafix dip - this would be the most efficient that i've used so far and i would highly recommend to anyone to use it. I was convinced by jnarowe for his vid that he took in the PSAS meeting (check spelling) my potion is 20ml melafix (4 caps) for 1L tank water to dip 15-20 mins. I dip every coral when i got from LFS, so far, it works very well on AEFW, pods, acro crabs, worms, Montipora eating nudibranch (20 mins dip), general FW and sea slug (10-20mins dip). Good thing for this is, sps still have PE during the dip and it does not harsh on the coral at all compare to TMPCC that i used before.

However, you have to manually remove any eggs at the bottom or near the base of your coral.

Also, adding a sixline wrass would help a lot too.
