pro won heater... almost all Dead

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2005
Almost everything in my tank is dead... I am sooo frustrated, I imagine about 2k worth of corals. I think the culprit is one of two things. a closed door to the fishroom and it being hot outside, this has increased the temp before.


The pro won heater,

I left for work and the tank was 93 degrees... i opened the doors and immediately the temp started to drop because of the airflow. when I came back the temp was still at 90 and I noticed a spark in the sump. the Pro Won heater had a small part of the wire that had melted and was exposed to the water and caused the heater to stay on. I have not touched or moved the heater or anything around it in about 8 months.

My big question is, has anyone had this problem with a heater before? any input would be greaty appreciated.
Sorry to hear about your loss:( We used to carry the Won heater line and had nothing but problems with them staying on and over-heating tanks. We quickly discontinued them. I'd go with Ebo-Jager or Catalina Titanium.
All heaters have their share of problems, but the Won's are one of the worst. No temp controller?

The pro won heater failure

I am so sorry to hear about your loss Ckeadle I too have had a The pro won heater failure My digital controller went bad the heater did not come on this happened in less than of a year in operation. i had contacted Won Brothers and they sold me a replacement at cost. I never put it back in my Tank i mainly use it to heat my water up to tank temp to make new salt water in my Garbage can.. Was your element glass or a Titanium?

Almost everything in my tank is dead... I am sooo frustrated, I imagine about 2k worth of corals. I think the culprit is one of two things. a closed door to the fishroom and it being hot outside, this has increased the temp before.


The pro won heater,

I left for work and the tank was 93 degrees... i opened the doors and immediately the temp started to drop because of the airflow. when I came back the temp was still at 90 and I noticed a spark in the sump. the Pro Won heater had a small part of the wire that had melted and was exposed to the water and caused the heater to stay on. I have not touched or moved the heater or anything around it in about 8 months.

My big question is, has anyone had this problem with a heater before? any input would be greaty appreciated.
Sorry to hear about the losses. I've never had anything like that happen. Looks like Murphy was working overtime on you.

Chances are the voltage from the heater in the tank contributed. Actually both probably contributed (Temp and Voltage). Good thing is you didn't get shocked.. :eek:

Again sorry to hear this. :(
Sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like a good class action cause. Have never had any problem with Ebo-Jagers nor personally known anyone who has either. Am still using one I bought 10-15 years ago. Have owned 4.

Don, what brand of temp shut off controller do you recommend?

Just because we all know that "Won happens"
Sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like a good class action cause. Have never had any problem with Ebo-Jagers nor personally known anyone who has either. Am still using one I bought 10-15 years ago. Have owned 4.

Don, what brand of temp shut off controller do you recommend?

Just because we all know that "Won happens"

I have a ranco supplimented by a automation system. Even the Ebo-Jagers have thermostat problems. I have two that are stuck on but are controlled by automation and the chiller controller and I have a ranco (single) with a biotherm Ti.

I am curious about temp controllers as well, not to derail the subject of this thread but I would love a few suggestions.

Won Pro Heaters are just death waiting to happen......and I'm not just talking about our tanks.

About a year ago, maybe longer, I was getting ready to go out with my wife whenI started to smell something. We had been gone all day at soccer games so we had to get ready quickly. I am gald to say that I looked for the source of the bad small, like melted plastic, and went immediatley to the fish room. I openned the door and got hit in the face with smoke and that caustic smell. I quickly located the source as it was dark in the room and you could see the small flame. It was coming from the thermastat box on the Won heater. The box was almost completely melted. I killed the breaker (luckily I had them put a box inthe fish room just for the fish room) and pulled the cords out and chuncked the heaters (what was left of them) in the outside garbage can. I now have nice scorch marks on the walls where that thermastat hung to remind me never to buy one of those again.

The ironic thing is that my tank never needs a heater at all.

I don't currently use a heater, as the ambient temp and my MH's with fans keep the temp 79-83 degrees. I am using an AquaControllerJR from neptune systems ( I use it to control lights (which shut off if the tank temp gets too high), CO2 injector, and fans. If I had a heater or chiller it could control it as well. I have been using it for a very short time, but find it to be fantastic, and fairly easy to operate (I have a model with a serial port, so do all the programming/operation with my laptop rather than the small screen on the controller). While it cost more than a simple controller, the ability to control multiple devices is fantastic.
I don't currently use a heater, as the ambient temp and my MH's with fans keep the temp 79-83 degrees. I am using an AquaControllerJR from neptune systems ( I use it to control lights (which shut off if the tank temp gets too high), CO2 injector, and fans. If I had a heater or chiller it could control it as well. I have been using it for a very short time, but find it to be fantastic, and fairly easy to operate (I have a model with a serial port, so do all the programming/operation with my laptop rather than the small screen on the controller). While it cost more than a simple controller, the ability to control multiple devices is fantastic.

What happens when the AC goes belly up and the chiller can no longer turn on or stays on. I think everyone needs at least one point of redundancy when it comes to temp control.

I had my tank go to 92-93 last year due to a WON proheat, they are evil :( :mad:

Very sorry to hear.

I second the Ebo-Jagers... I too have one that is about 15 years old and still runs great. Definitely use a temperature controller. I've used the Finnex ones without problem.

A good method is to get the tank to a temperature you like by adjusting the heaters without the controller. Then add the controller and set the temperature. That way if the thermostat in either fails, you shouldn't have a problem.
i feel your pain! I just lost a similar amount of money a few months ago due to an overheat. Really sorry to hear that.
Won Pro Heaters are just death waiting to happen......and I'm not just talking about our tanks.

About a year ago, maybe longer, I was getting ready to go out with my wife whenI started to smell something. We had been gone all day at soccer games so we had to get ready quickly. I am gald to say that I looked for the source of the bad small, like melted plastic, and went immediatley to the fish room. I openned the door and got hit in the face with smoke and that caustic smell. I quickly located the source as it was dark in the room and you could see the small flame. It was coming from the thermastat box on the Won heater. The box was almost completely melted. I killed the breaker (luckily I had them put a box inthe fish room just for the fish room) and pulled the cords out and chuncked the heaters (what was left of them) in the outside garbage can. I now have nice scorch marks on the walls where that thermastat hung to remind me never to buy one of those again.

The ironic thing is that my tank never needs a heater at all.


You are really lucky Mike, a guy I work with had a similar thing happen in a freshwater tank but he wasn't home to deal with it. He lost half his house and all his tanks.

hated to say this,,,i'm do not trusted any of the heater out there,GFI please to all heaters,i used temp control to all my heaters,,big investment with the cheap second plan of safety ,,i did leaned in the hard way myself.
yep use a controller, why after all the years can't they make better heaters, I just don't know. The newer Pro-heaters do use a separate controller, the digital & the old one I hated, the one with the controller separated worked well for me but I'd still get a controller.
Hi Chris. I am sorry about hearing this :( I would use EboJager this time...on a controller...either a Ranco or Finnex..

Let me know if I can be of any help. When/if you are going to stock fish, just let me know.

one thing to do after any king of electrical part fails in your tank is to test for copper! immediately! and do water change as necessary. you would be surprised how fast a lethal dose of copper can come frome some heaters or powerheads when the water and electricity mix.
when my won takes the almight s h i t you guys can tell me " i told you so"

but i just realaized that you guys are all talking about the pro won heater not the lcd pro II?