Probably Shouldn't Have Done This.............

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Just did a YouTube search on feeding Mandarin Gobies and came up with three pages of hits. They may help you get an idea of what has worked for other folks. There are several videos that reference feeding Rod's, pods, worms, and feeding with a turkey baster so maybe there's something there that you can learn from. It is encouraging that the fish is picking at your rocks. It may be that it has found at least enough of a critter population to sustain itself. Get to the store and get it some more.


Much good advice already offered, but one point to clarify: Tigger pods are found in temperate water and I don't think that will reproduce long term in our tanks.
I figured I'd use both, tiger pods for now and populate with reef pods. I added both tonight, he didn't really get excited or start gobbling, but he is still pecking. I put all the tigers in the main tank, and used a turkey baster to get them to where he's been staying, then split the reef pods, half in the display half in the sump. "Fingers crossed" he is difinately more active today, he even came out for a bit last night after the lights went out.
Thanks again for all the advice and input, you all rock!
Keep up the GOOD WORK:clap2: If he survives and he might from the signs of it. Your tank will be baring pod's, you'll understand "some" recovery processes, and you'll gain a OUTSTANDING fish. Hope ALL works out and for me I added a bottle of pod's every month till my Refugium was up and running. This ensured a health population of pod's.

Well, the little guy popped out for a few minutes and I snapped a picture. I'm not sure if how skinny he is shows up in the pic, but he definitely looks skinny behind the fin on his side.

Yep, his skinniness shows up, very Great pic though! He looks to be on the hunt!

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned...make sure you steer clear of any other pod eaters, such as Wrasses and the like. They'll out compete the Mandarin, for the food source the Mandarin needs.
LOL, I love this hobby, somehow I manage to do pretty much everything the hard way. I have three major competers for the pods, a twin spotted goby, but he doesn't hunt the pods and prefers to sift sand, a six line wrasse, he seems to ignore the pods, and a watchman goby who went nuts when pods drifted his way. He is pretty lazy though and prefers to let the food come to him. I guess my starry blenny might compete too, that guy eats anything, he even tries to eat me when im doing tank cleanup. Freaked me out the first time.
Yep, his skinniness shows up, very Great pic though! He looks to be on the hunt!

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned...make sure you steer clear of any other pod eaters, such as Wrasses and the like. They'll out compete the Mandarin, for the food source the Mandarin needs.

I agree with returnofsid you can see HIS skinniness (it is a he) and a very nice photo, I know petco till you can order some from the Sponsors of this site has Pod's that will for sure reprodure in your tank for under $15, but keep of the GREAT job and just watch to make sure he stays on the hunt, he'll look sinny for awhile.

It'll be VERY DIFFICULT to get that Mandarin healthy, in the presence of a 6 Lined Wrasse.

Very true. That wrasse is going to eat any and all live food before the mandarin has a chance to find it. Wrasses are very active eaters and will deplete the pod population in no time at all. I removed my wrasse from the tank with the mandarin because of this.
No matter what happens, and no matter how much it seems that some of us may be berating you, please don't let it get you down. I can sit here and tell you that you shouldn't have purchased the fish, as you've already said yourself, but, I CANNOT sit here and tell you I've never attempted to "rescue" a fish, because that'd be a Most of us have done it, at one time or another!
It'll be VERY DIFFICULT to get that Mandarin healthy, in the presence of a 6 Lined Wrasse. While you think it's ignoring the pods, I can guarantee it's eating as many of the naturally occurring pods that it can find.

I almost got rid of him last month, he was getting a little too aggressive with some of the gobys. I caught him when i did a tank cleanup and moved all my live rock, I'm not sure if ill be able to catch him without taking all the rock out again. Do you think I can supplement pods, maybe adding a bottle every week or two?
No matter what happens, and no matter how much it seems that some of us may be berating you, please don't let it get you down. I can sit here and tell you that you shouldn't have purchased the fish, as you've already said yourself, but, I CANNOT sit here and tell you I've never attempted to "rescue" a fish, because that'd be a Most of us have done it, at one time or another!

After 12 years in the Army I'm pretty thick skinned, and I don't think anyone has done any berating. A lot of people are really passionate in this hobby and have learned through their own trials and tribulations, and I can see how minor frustrations can add up and frustrate some enough to quit the hobby. Being new it is really easy to get attached and frustrated if things don't work out the way I hope but the coolest thing about this whole site is that even though some are pretty positive about the outcome based on experience, you are all still giving great advice and suggestions, and that is just awesome.
The little guy's condition seems to be improving. He is still pecking at the rock and sand. He hasn't been coming out during the day, but has been doing a little exploring in the evenings when the lights shut off. I tried catching my wrasse last night, but no luck. Looks like I'll be doing some pod supplamentation until I can catch him or I culture some pods.
So it's been about a week and he is still hanging in there. He is pecking all day at the sand and reef, and has started to come out during the day more often. I tried snappi g a pic but he must know what my camera looks like because he seems to go behind the reef right before I have a shot set up. I tried catching the 6 line wrasse again but he's just too quick, even during feeding time. Caught him antagonizing the gobys again so next chance I get to catch him he's gone.
That's some fine work you have done in this matter, IMHO the Manderin Goby have such a cool, calm, and collective attitude I can watch mine for hours. Again WAY TO GO and please keep us posted on his progress. Take Care we'll have to call you "The Fish Whisper" soon LOL.

What I think I'll do next is buy a cheap little 10g and set it up in the garage to cultivate some tigger pods. Hopefully I'll be able to supplement enough, or at least know he still has pods to eat. Wish there was a way to test pod count in the water lol.