Problem catching your fish?!

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mako shark
Sep 12, 2006
I just used the best method ever to catch my einstein of a fish purple tang. It was suggested to be by Kevin Pockell and works awesome! Just get a tiny tiny hook with some 4lb test fishing line. Attach some nori to it and go fishing. It worked awesome because i could pull it away from the other fish in time and let him take it. You have to be care so he doesn't swallow it but i got him right in the lip. He got his revenge too by sticking me in the thumb when I was getting the hook out. Oh yeah, make sure you bend the barb on the hook over or use a barb-less hook so you dont hurt the fish! But if fish traps arent working and you don't want to reaquascape for the 8th time, there you go. I know it seems cruel and mean but really it was quick and didn't stress the fish out for an hour trying to catch him with a net! Start to finish was only about 15 seconds after hooking him.
That's the key to it...barbless or grind down the barb..otherwise you'll just rip the crap out of your fish
I almost tried this on a pair of cinammon clownfish, but tried the red film over the flashlight trick instead, which worked !!
Fish cannot see the color red, so if you use a rubber band and secure a piece of red film (camera film will do) over the front of the flashlight, then when you flash the light in the tank, the fish have no idea that a light is on.

the key is this, you need to do this at night and the room needs to be completely dark. if you turn on the light, you spook the fish and loose your "sneak attack" edge.

I was able to catch these fish in 15 mins, albeit at 4am, but nonetheless, caught !!
this is exactly what I did to catch my clownfish..knew exactly where they slept at night, shine the flashlight with red film on them, get net, scoop, done.

My tank is so crammed full of sps and other corals I don't like using a net. I just took the rock out that the hippo tang hides in to get her out. Worked like a charm.
Yeah I really didnt want to tear apart my tank as I have about 400 lbs of rock in there But it did work pretty well. I havent tried the film trick yet. I may have to on one of my other fish if I find them nipping too.

Michael- I havent found a home for him yet. Still looking!
I personally never had an issue with catching fish with a net probably because I was use to it and had tons of experience with catching my own fish around reefs. You pick up all sorts of cool tactics by experience. If I did have a troublesome one though that I just couldn't get in my tank, the surprice technique while they were sleeping always did the trick for me :)
I have had great success with a feeding ambush. Let the net sit at the bottom of the tank, spread some food around the surface, and when they come up to get it you hit 'em from the bottom! They never see it coming! Fish know what a net is, and tend to hide the second it gets near the tank, but if it's already in there for a while they forget about it.:lol:
"Fish cannot see the color red," Thats what the people selling the red net say too... didn't work worth a damn for me... they still see the net and hide.
Fish cannot see the color red

Sorry for hijacking this thread

Is this really true or is this something made up. Evidence to back this up.

Cause I use red flashing lures to fish and they kill. . .

So I am just wondering if these lure companies are just selling to the buyer not the fish. :)
Yeah I tried the net technique but he knew I was after him and never went around it. If he ever came close it was because he was swimming in the middle of the rest of the fish trying to get the food. I tried for a good 2 hrs one day. He was just too dang smart to get him with a net. Well maybe the night time trick would have worked but I didnt get a chance to try that. Oh well, he's in the sump now waiting for a new home!