Project 150!!

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no Nick, it does look Awesome, well kept & growing, I can't say how It could be better other that let it age some more & grow out but that would be no fun It it all happened at once!
Very nice all around & a big step up from your 58 I'd dare to say!;)

Thanks Scott....I still think its got a long ways to go before I start getting proud of it, but I am happy with it. And you're right, it is a big step up from the 58. I look at the 58 as a way to learn how NOT to do a reef tank.

Pics of the 20 gallon. Its not the sexiest add on....but its got stuff in it that wouldnt do as well in the 120 display.





SPS frags....from left to right:

Allegedly DFS Purple Haze acro...have my doubts, think someone might have goofed and grabbed the wrong frag by mistake
Unknown metallic green acro
Oregon Tort
The rear is more pocillipora from the 120 that got fragged due to some sort of bleaching event


Just kinda liked this one....


Zoas from Vivid Aquarium: Incredible Hulk, Spider Man, and Sunrise paly's with Eagle eyes in the back ground.


Camera doesnt do em justice, the Spiderman Zoas are small, but an intense blue with an orange skirt. Started out with 3, now have 7 a month later....Grow faster!!!!!!

Your tank is looking very nice.
I think your right. AFAIK, the purple haze is all purple with some blue accents. That looks more like the encrusting monti (or even a purple bonzai) that I cant think of the name right now. :confused:

Anyone still here?????????????????????????????


Wow, its been almost 9 months since I updated this thread. sorry 'bout that. I took these pics today:

Full tank


Left side


Right side


Close up of Ritteri anemone and clowns, (her mate is hiding under the left lower side of the anemone)


My Regal angel (should have cleaned the glass better, sorry)


A week ago , (Tues or Weds) we had a lengthy power outtage ( about 8 hours) I have automatic battery powered air pumps that kick on in the event of a power outtage, to provide O2 to the tank, (2 for the display). No livestock issues due to the outtage.....however, my Co2 solenoid remained closed when the power returned, and I did not notice this.
On Thursday, (7-8 days after outtage), I realized my H.mag really looked unhappy. It was deflated and the tentacles were completely deflated as well, but the mouth was tight. The lights were going off shortly, and I know it will occassionally, (once in a blue moon kinda thing) deflate while expelling waste...but the tentacles have never done I didnt get too worried or check parameters. Corals looked fine as did clams so I wasnt too worried. Middle of the night, I realized I hadnt checked my calcium reactor after the outtage. I ran downstairs and found the solenoid closed, (no bubbles in bubble counter, but plenty of pressure showing on gauges). Got it working and went back to bed. Friday, after work, came back, it still looked unhappy, but better. The reactor had been running again for 12 hours by now. Water tests showed:

On 2-21-09 Dkh was at 6.5 down from 11
Ca was at 350 from 420

On 2-22-09 Dkh was 7.5
Ca was 385

Today, (2-23-09)
Dkh was 7.85
Ca was at 415

I did need to add Sea Chem's Reef Advantage Calcium to bring the Ca levels up, but the Dkh was/is solely due the reactor doing its job.

The anemone looks normal/great today.

I have refugium which is lit 24 hours to prevent pH swings. Nothing else deviated from normal during this period. One poccillipora lost a little tissue from the Dkh drop.

All I can assume from this is that H.magnifica anemones are in fact somewhat sensitive to Dkh drops......unless someone has a different theory?

Oh, I now have 12 of the Spiderman zoas, up from 3 initially. growers these.