Project 58!! (Image intense)

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Well after an annoying experiance with Fed-Ex, I got the tang back home.

Heres a summary from Fed-Ex:

Jan 21, 2005.......2:16 pm Picked up by FedEx in HAWTHORNE CA
Jan 21, 2005.......6:28 pm Left FedEx Origin Location in HAWTHORNE CA
Jan 21, 2005.......7:40 pm Arrived at FedEx Sort Facility in LOS ANGELES CA
Jan 21, 2005.......7:45 pm Left Sort Facility in LOS ANGELES CA

Jan 22, 2005.......1:26 am Arrived at Sort Facility in MEMPHIS TN
Jan 22, 2005.......4:07 am Left FedEx Sort Facility in MEMPHIS TN
Jan 22, 2005.......5:52 am Arrived at FedEx Ramp BERKELEY MO
Jan 22, 2005.......7:30 am Held at FedEx location for recipient pickup in ST. LOUIS MO
Jan 22, 2005....... 7:36 am Arrived at FedEx Destination Location in ST. LOUIS MO
Jan 22, 2005.......8:16 am Held at FedEx location for recipient pickup in ST. LOUIS MO
Jan 22, 2005....... 9:01 am- Delivered

Looks pretty simple and straightforward huh?, Not so much....

I knew I was going to be working Thursday and Friday so I requested that the fish be kept at a Fed-Ex station for holding so I could pick it up. This way it wouldnt be out in the cold bouncing around in a truck for umteen bazillion hours until the driver found my house. I had had previous problems with Fed-Ex where some of my dry goods (ordered overnight-express-be-there-the-very-next-damn-day-pay-more-for-shipping-service) and gotten them 2 days later, and in one case it was delivered to a house on the OTHER FREAKIN END OF THE BLOCK!!! HELLO!!!! THIS IS WHY PEOPLE PUT NUMBERS IN FRONT OF THEIR HOUSES!!! ITS CALLED AN ADDRESS!!! (Thank God he didnt need an Oceans Motions 4 way unit...although he did wonder what the heck it was...I told him it was a morphine pump and let him wonder.) So, rather than hope the Fed-Ex driver was on the right combination of medication this week, I decided to have it held at a local Fed-Ex facility so I could pick it up when it arrived. This should have been fairly simple.

I got home from work this morning at 6:45 am, and immediately looked on the website to see if my fish had arrived. The web site stated that it had arrived at 5:52 am, at the airport which is 30 minutes away. I was excited at getting the fish, and since it had been in a bag since noon-ish the day before, I didnt mind driving out to the Airport to go get it. So I started to look for a phone number for the Fed-Ex facility at the Airport. I figured I'd give em a call, see if they could locate it fairly quickly, and go get it. This would be better for the fish since it would be starting to acclimate instead of sitting in a cold warehouse, and I might be able to get some sleep today. (My day was already planned out by my fiance....we had an appointment with a bakery to check out wedding cakes, and a close friend was hosting their daughters 1st birthday in the the sooner I could get this done, the sooner I could get some maybe 3 hours. I was going to be required to be polite to people this afternoon. I needed some sleep!)

Unfortunately, I wasnt able to find a number for Fed-Ex......anywhere. Evidently they have a new policy. No phone numbers. Period. If you think I'm joking try and find a phone number. I did a google search. Found the Fed-Ex number. Did a Yahoo search. Same results.
So I checked the Phone book. I figured it was pretty stupid not to have your phone numbers listed on a website, but hey, I'm a big boy and I remember how life was before the internet.
So I dug out the Phone dice. 15 minutes later, I was cussing up a storm. Rocio woke up and was wondering what the heck was going on. I apologized for waking her up, and explained what was going on. Bless her heart, she tried to help. She couldnt find it either. She said she was tired and went back to bed.
I gave up and called information. I hate spending money for some one to give me a phone number that I should be able to find on my own. Its only a buck or two, but its the principle of the thing.
So Information gave me 1-800-463-3339. I some annoying long convoluted automated directory...and finally got to speak to a human. All I wanted to do was to make sure the fish was still there. The site where the fish was originally scheduled to get picked up by me was closer to my house, (about 10 minutes if I caught every light wrong), and I didnt want to go to the Airport and find out the fish was waiting for me at the facility by my house. I got a representative on the phone who said they didnt even know if the fish had arrived yet. For all they knew it could still be in LA. I explained that the package was listed on the website as having landed in St Louis, and asked for the phone number for the Airport location of Fed-Ex so I could call and avoid passing it in transit. He told me that Fed-Ex no longer gave out phone numbers for their facilities, they ran everything through Call Centers like the one he was Canada. I asked if there was a way to contact the Airport Facility and have them tell me if it was there or not. He said he would send them an email (WTF!!!!!) and make sure they called me when they got a chance. He said this was the way the company did things now and everything would be fine. Then he hung up. I waited for about 20 minutes. (I've mentioned I'm not real good at this patience thing.......right?) And then I called again. I got a woman this time who got a little hostile. (Keep in mind that Customer Service Reps often get kicked and spit on verbally by the people they talk to on the phones) So I took a step back...tried to calm down, and start over. I explained I hadnt had any sleep and what I was trying to find out...etc.....she also said there was no way I could get a phone number, and she would also email them.
Yay for my side. It was now about 7:30 and I was getting baffled by Fed-Ex's refusal to give out phone numbers for their facilities. I could understand if I was trying to get their home phone numbers, but just a freakin business contact number????
More time went on......

I got more psychotic and was getting convinced that Fed-Ex was the Anti-Christ...or at least really, really evil.

At 8:10 am, I called a third time, and finaly spoke to some one with a soul. This very polite man told me that the fish was at the city location near my house and I could go get it. He was very helpful and polite. I'm definately going to send his boss a letter, (or maybe an email. I dont know if they will give out a physical mailing addresses any more either.) telling him how helpful this guy was during all of this. Rocio is a customer service representative for a big health insurance company and works from home. I have heard some amazingly rude people on the phone with her, so I know how little appreciation or positive recognition these folks get.
I raced to the city location of Fed-Ex just wanting to get the fish, get it acclimated, and go to bed. I got there at 8:32 am. I know this becuase the guy behind the counter wouldnt open the door until 9 am....which is when they were regularly scheduled to open. Why didnt any of the 3 people I spoke with on the phone tell me this wasnt a 24 hour facility??? I wound up sitting in the parking lot of Fed-Ex for 30 minutes waiting for them to open.....and putting a curse on all Fed-Ex employees that causes it to burn when they pee.
At 9:00, they opened, I went in and picked up the fish. 20 minutes later it was floating in the bag in my tank.
If you elect to have an animal or any other perishable item held for you to pick up at a facility of any sort, Fed-Ex or not, MAKE SURE ITS OPEN 24 HOURS OR LEARN WHAT THE HOURS OF OPERATION ARE!!

I'm going to be thinking long and hard about using Fed-Ex ever again.

I was hoping for a small tang. IME, smaller, (Juvenile), fish adapt better to captivity than the larger ,(adults). And I had heard that Live Aquaria usually shipped these fish slightly larger than the advertised 2-1/2" to 3-1/2" in size.
What I got was roughly the size of a quarter, with fins!! This little critter was swimming along just fine. I floated it the bag in the tank for about 20 minutes. Then I poured it into a pitcher, and placed the pitcher in my sump. This would keep the fish away from curious dogs, and keep the temp relatively stable. I used some airline tubing, tied two knots in it to slow the water flow through to a couple drips a second and chilled out for about half an hour. At 9:50 am I removed about half the water in the pitcher and discarded it. At 10:25 I did it again. At 10:45 I was amazingly tired, (been up since 11:30 am the day before) and pulled the tang out of the sump. I discarded 3/4 of the water in the pitcher and poured the rest of it, and the tang, into the tank. Then I went to bed.

I'll spare everyone the horrific details of the wedding cake tasting and selection, (Just in case anyone was wondering....if your fiance ever asks what kind of cake you want for the wedding, she really doesnt care what you want. She's just being polite. Its also not funny to anyone but you, if you answer that question with:
"Whatever is big enough for a stripper to pop out of."

I told her the little voice that was sposed to keep that thought inside was still sleeping....but I dont think she bought it.)

Here are the pics of the Tiny Tomini Tang:




I know it looks like I have the worlds largest Loc-Line segments in my tank, but I swear they are only 3/4 of an inch in diameter.

BTW he's already picking on the algae and rocks. I can see several spots he's completely cleaned out on the cutting board bottom. It kinda looks like a shotgun went off in those areas....little round BB sized mouth prints.

I gotta was worth it and I would order from Live Aquaria again. But Fed-Ex.......
I still hope it burns when they pee.

maxx said:
I gotta was worth it and I would order from Live Aquaria again. But Fed-Ex.......
I still hope it burns when they pee.



You are killing me man :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: Funny, but I have worst wishes for a certain cop that sits around my house that gave me a speeding ticket as I was coming back from being in the hospital 26 hour straight and spending the last 14 doing surgeries on trauma victims, the last being a poor man that got hit by a car while riding his bicycle to work that barely made it to the ICU afterwards.
I have heard tons of horror stories about FedEx, but I have personally only experienced their rath only once. A buddy sent me a bunch of frags I was holding in his place in MD. The box arrived to the FedEx place more like a wet crumbled piece of cardboard leaking all kinds of water. They called me to come pick it up as they would not put it in a truck. When I get there, the box was in a plastic bag that now holds 4g of water in the bottom of it. The box had green packing peanuts, so the water was now green too and they wanted to know what kind of toxic and mysterious chemical I was getting shipped. They must have kicked that box clear across 3 states for it to be so tore up. The funny part was that the lady at the counter wanted to make sure I know the shipper needs to use better boxes to ship stuff. The frags were in hard tupperware container, which were inside individual ziplock bags. That with packing peanuts inside one of the 1.5" thick styro boxes the wholesalers use nd that inside a hard cardboard box. Next time I will request everything packed in a concrete box :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

By the way, very gorgeous fish :D
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Hey Nick, I hear you on that Fed-Up deal, they always make it difficult for me. One Question, you think that Tang would get along with a Regal (Hippo) ? I sure would likt to have one for my tank.
For once the box was okay. I think Live Aquaria did an excellent job packing this, they plastered "LIVE FISH-FRAGILE" all over the box, so even the most blind dock monkey wouldn not fail to see what was in the box.
Yeah he is a cute lil booger....right after I got him in the tank, I began to think about how many of these you could put in your 750.....I'd suggest starting out with a school of 10!
As far as the cop who gave you the ticket goes....Sorry man. To be honest with, if you explained what was going on..." Man, I'm tired. I've been up for 26 hours, I'm an ER doc, (I wouldnt bother trying to explain anaesthesia to most cops...they're pretty sharp, but it wastes time), and I was just working on the guy who got hit while on his bike. Did you hear about him?" If he still gives you a ticket, just smile, think to yourself he's a jerk and get a lawyer to reduce it to a non moving violation. Next time you see and wave...with your whole hand. Let him know it was no big deal, and you're not holding a grudge. If you bump into him at a QT or gas station say hello. Pretty soon (Unless he's a total toolbox) he'll realize you're a good guy and prolly wont write any more tickets....unless you're doing about 90 mph in 35...I'll write several for that...I dont care who you are. Main thing I've leanred about dealing with police: politeness goes a long way, and so does honesty. Case in point:
I'm the first car at an intersection with a stop light. My light is red, but about to turn green. I can clearly see the oncoming traffic's light...its yellow, now red. A guy in a white Toyota, pulls into the intersection while his light is red, and makes a left turn. I'm getting less, and less amazed at how many people fail to see me when I'm first car at the intersection in a big white police car with lights and reflective paint...its not like I'm hiding...people are that stupid. And if I'm really visible, and there are other cars around me, I have to do something about it, otherwise, they think they can get away with things, (Monkey see, monkey do) or they complain that the cops dont do anything. So I pull the guy over. The ways things are sposed to work when a cop pulls you over is he/she identifies themself, what agency they work for, and why the pulled you over. They will then usually ask you if there was a reason why you were doing whatever you were doing that got you pulled over (We dont know...maybe theres a good reason. If you've got an angry snake in the car, I'm not writing tickets for weaving in and out of lanes) sounds like this:
"Hello, I'm Officer Lang, with the Crestwood police department. The reason I pulled you over is because you doing 53 in a 35 mph zone past a school bus. Was there a reason for this?"
"No, I'm just on my way to IHOP."

What happened with the guy who ran the red light was this-
I got out of the the car, and began to walk towards it. I had not said anything to him yet, when he called out:
"The light was yellow."
"Excuse me sir?"
"The light. It was yellow."
"Why are you telling me this, Sir?"
"Because its the only reason you could have pulled me over for."
"Alright. Well form where I was sitting sir, I could clearly see that the light was red when you entered the intersection."
"Nope, you couldnt have. I could easily take this to court you know!"
"Great, I'll be there. Can I see your drivers license and proof of insurance please?"

Yes, he got a ticket. There are times when I've changed my mind about writing someone a ticket after talking to them.
Just a helpful service announcement......

Scott, Yeah I think the Tomini and the Blue/Regal tang will be fine together in your tank.

I went to the LFS Monday 24 Jan 05, looking to see if there was anything cool to add, (The tang's so tiny, its not really anything to add to the bio load). I was hoping for a black cap basslet and a royal gramma....but they didnt have them. They did get a tiny bellus angel in who ate like a pig, but it appeared aas if he might have had a swim bladder problem as he was swimming in a slightly head down position after watching it for a few minutes. Its too bad cause it was a nice, small, (about 2 inches) angel that is reef safe and was eating ANYTHING they threw into the tank. ON my way out the door, I did see a smaller Lawn Mower blenny that had a nice fat (round) belly. I watched him for a bit and saw him nibbling on everything he passed by, so I got him. I know Lawnmowers are difficult, despite being sold at almost every LFS as a means of algae control. I had one about 2 years ago, and it straved to death, I couldnt get him to eat anything. However this place I bought him from has return policy and a guarrantee as well. But the deciding factor in this case was the condition of the fish. Bright eyes, constantly moving, constantly nibbling on rocks and sides of the tank, and a nice fat belly. I will post up a pic later. MY little digi cam is crap. I really need to buy/borrow a better camera for tank pics.

I really want to emphasize the fact that I spent about 10 minutes observing the two fish I talked about in this post. Whenever possible, this is the way to go. By observing the behaviour and appearance of these fish, I avoided buying a fish that appeared very healthy initially, but would have had problems eventually. And wound up buying a healthy little fish that can be problematic to keep long term in reef tanks......who started eating within 30 minutes of being introduced to the tank. Pay close attention to what you're buying folks. Are its fins clamped tightly by its sides? Is it active? Does it have problems swimming? Is it eating? Is it curious? Does it have a healthy layer of body fat or is it emaciated and scrawny/sunken in? All of these things taken together can help you pick only healthy live stock that will do well in your system.

The Lawn Mower's already munching on the diatoms and algae throughout the tank. Here are some pics. I REALLY need a better camera. This one is auto-focus only and I have no control over the settings. I might have to bust out my film camera and then scan the photos to get some decent ones.

here are some slightly out of focus pics of the Tomini. You can sorta see the "freckles" on his face and head, and the thin yellow ring around his eye's.



And here are some pics of new Lawn Mower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)





When I woke up around noon (I'm on nightshift until tomorrow), I noticed my Tomini was swimming around with its dorsal fin clamped, and it had two scrapes along either side of its body. One high on the right near the dorsal fin, and one low on the abdomen behind the pectoral fin on the left. Both of these marks look suspiciously about the size of a Lawn Mower blenny mouth.

Anybody ever heard of Lawn Mowers getting aggressive with other species? Cause if its a choice between him and the Tomini, I can bring the Lawn Mower back.

I've just put in a handful of bioballs into my sump, just in case I need to start up a hospital tank. Nikki found this awesome website that has plans for a simple DIY biological filter, for situations just like this.
DIY Bio- Filter

hopefully it wont be necessary. I just bought some Nori from the local international market place, and added that to the tank. I think things should be okay...especially if I can get the Tomini eating Nori.

I woke up this morning and found the Tomini swimming poorly. I wasnt using its caudal fin at all, just kinda paddling weakly with its pectoral fins, and having a difficult time moving against the current. It quickly fell to the bottom of the tank and just lay flat, breathing heavily. I've never seen a tang recover from this behavior. The scrape on the side has healed up to a brown mark the perfect size and shape of the Lawn Mower blenny's mouth. I dont know what caused this, but it shouldnt be because of the lawn mower blenny if the wound healed. The tang was eating and swimming I have no idea's. I'm dissappointed and annoyed to say the least. Water parameters are I have nothing to point fingers at or get problems that are fixable.


Is he acting this way only when he gets up in the mornings & later strightens up?
My Hippo looses color until he wakes up a while, he also sleeps tightly inside the rock work, he also went through the drain 4 or 5 times, once even stuck for hours in the pipe. I guess what I'm saying, he acts funny compared to normal fish lol.
No, he was acting very poorly...swimming weakly, breathing heavy, just using his pectoral fins and having a lot of difficulty swimming against the current, which is something he did have problems with initially. He died a few minutes ago.

I contacted Live Aquaria immediately and explained the situation to them. The were very polite and their customer service was fantastic. They still have the Tomini's instock, so I requested that they send me another one. It should arrive here on Saturday. Live Aquaria is not charging me anything to replace the fish, and they are not requiring me to ship the dead one back to them, (They state in the instructions that come with all their critters that you need to save the bodies of anything that dies within their two week guarrantee or they will not honor it).
I will be working, but Rocio has agreed to go get the tang, and acclimate it for me. She's already said she'd be calling me on the phone for directions..even if I write detailed instructions for her.

I'm not happy about my Tomini dying, but I am very happy with the way Live Aquaria has handled this. Hopefully, this one will do better.

I don't know if you did this as well Maxx :0) but with fish I usually acclimate it, and even if it arrives around 10:30 (estimate from Fedex) , I leave the lights off until the next day. If the tank is around an area where there is a lot of foot traffic or people passing by, I would cover it with a towel of some sort.

Again, you may have done this, so you can ignore this post. However, it does help all fish get used to the new tank, live rock, etc.

I hope this new one will do much better :)

- Elmo
Thats exactly what I did. Thank you for posting that up though as I must not have posted up about my acclimation proceedures.
He floated in the tank for 30 minutes, and then was transferred to a small tan colored pitcher. I put the pitcher in my sump, sitting on the left over skimmer riser that I had. This put the bottom of the pitcher under about 2 1/2 inches of water, (this was in a different section of the sump than the skimmer is in..hence the difference in water height displaced by the riser). I did this for two reasons. The pitcher in the sump will continue to regulate the water temperature to tank specs, and it kept the pitcher away from the dogs in a darker less stressful environment.
I set up and airline tube drip and tied 2 knots in the airline tubing in order to slow the drip rate down to about 2 drops a second. Total acclimation time was about 90 minutes.

I floated it the bag in the tank for about 20 minutes. Then I poured it into a pitcher, and placed the pitcher in my sump. This would keep the fish away from curious dogs, and keep the temp relatively stable. I used some airline tubing, tied two knots in it to slow the water flow through to a couple drips a second and chilled out for about half an hour. At 9:50 am I removed about half the water in the pitcher and discarded it. At 10:25 I did it again. At 10:45 I was amazingly tired, (been up since 11:30 am the day before) and pulled the tang out of the sump. I discarded 3/4 of the water in the pitcher and poured the rest of it, and the tang, into the tank. Then I went to bed.

I turned off all the tank lights for 24 hours and shut off my OM unit so the tang could get used to the new surrounding without the constantly changing current. I also taped a black plastic trash bag all around the tank to keep the outside movement around the tank from stressing him out. I removed it the following day after seeing him pick at the algae on the rocks.

I would have acclimated longer, but according to Live Aquaria's acclimation guidelines, 1 hour is all it should take. On inverts, I take things a lot slower...somewhere in the vicinity of 3-4 hours. I would have taken longer on this particular one except I was exhausted from working all night and needed the two hours of sleep I was able to get.

FWIW, I dont feel that this is related to acclimation to tank chemistry/parameters. Those type of issues usually occur fairly rapidly. I'm suspecting some sort dietary issue. Hopefully not a collection issue.

Cyanide is sometimes used when gathering large quantities of fish, usually this will stimulate the fish as if he was on coke. Little tell tell signs are the aggressiveness or hyper active at first, the fish has from the get-go. On another thought is the trip...think about what that little fish has to go through before he gets to you, netted from home, bagged, boated to land, shipped to the retailer, dumped in a holding tank, the packaged again and trucked to your house. Small fish probably can't take as much of this stress as larger fish, even tough some make it, lot & from what I was told Lots die before they even get to the retailer (I had three stores say about the same, most don't truly know how the fish are caught). On the other hand, if this was a captive raised fish, I'd say scratch that.
Sorry for your loss, even though he was threre a short time, it always hurts to loose a fish or coral. Just some thoughts. I'm really glad Live Aqua is so good about it all, that is good news.
Yeah, It does suck pretty hard...but I am happy with the way they are taking care of me. I'm really hoping this wasnt a cyanide caught fish. I've seen cyanide caught fish before. usually the digestive system is damaged so the fish cant metabolize the nutrients from the food it eats so it essentially starves to death, even though its eating. This guy had no starvation wasnt really skinny, the area above the eyes on the head wasnt sunken in, (a storage place for fat in many fish) etc...

Tough luck Nick, They are a timid fish and more delicate then other tangs. Sounds like you did everything right on the acclimation.

Thanks Mike...things happen.
I'm slightly concerned though since this fish didnt shwo anything. It was fine one chewed a little, (the wound had actually healed up quite a bit), and died the next. Can you think of anything that might cause this?

The only straws I can reach at might be cyanide or maybe the bite by the blenny on the abdomen caused some internal damage...buit I'm never gonna know what exactly caused it.

If the replacement doesnt make it, I'm done buying fish from the indo pacific from Live Aquaria until they guarantee their fish are net caught..and can somehow prove it to my satisfaction. Dont take this as a slam on LIve Aquaria...I will still do business with them, especially since they are handling this so well. I just dont want to support further cyanide fishing, and will buy fish from other regions or preferably captive bred.

Your right Nick but sometimes they are so fresh that they look healthy. I know most reputable retailers will try and get the best they can, as long as it is reasonable, they can't make money on trash caught fish, I usually see the locals private stores looking for those bargain fish but who's to say. I agree with Mike, I think you took great strides in keeping him. May I suggest one thing, isolate him this time, install your blenny in your sump for a week or so until he makes it. That will eliminate just one more thing. I usually don't do this but It may be some thought also, I have a throw blanket I cover my tank with at times, i.e. my tank is reversed lighting period so during the day I may decide on having all of the lights on in the living room, curtains up, company etc... so I'll cover the tank, even with the lights on. In your case, when you do go lights on cover your tank & let him settle a while with just the tank in sight. Later you can slowly ease the cover off in small portions, so he doesn't freak out when he sees this human looking at him lol. Just some thoughts to consider.
Annoying update.
I havent received a an email confirmation about the replacement Tomini tang as of yet. So I called Live Aquaria. They said the order had been delayed, and evidently they no longer had any Tomini Tangs in stock. The person on the phone said that the tangs might not be in condition to ship any more, which leads me to really wonder about the collection issue. He said he wasnt sure, but that he would call the fish facility (I want a fish room...these guys have awhole freakin facility....thats just wrong.) and have them call me back and tell what was going on. The Tang is now scheduled for next Friday...if they have any in stock.
So I went back to the LFS today where I bought the Lawn Mower blenny. They still have that gorgeous little female Bellus angel in stock. I watched her for about 20 minutes and saw no indications that she might be suffering from swim bladder problems. I wasnt entirely sure I saw them in the first place, I was just kinda uneasy about it because I saw her swimming in a slightly head down position twice, and I know they are a deep water angel.
I had the LFS hold the fish for me, the soonest I can pick it up is Tuesday. I will definately be watching her for a while before I buy her. She is definately curious about everything in the tank, and is eating everything they throw in the tank for food.

On a good note, my Phosban Reactor showed up today. I ordered the Phosban Reactor Combo from Long Island Reef Exotics. Theie prices were great, ($90.00 for the reactor combo, the maxi jet 400, and an extra thing of phosban..they included a free thing of iodine by Sprung....I dont know why, but I didnt pay for it and the invoice said it was I've got that going for me..) but their Shopping cart was kinda weird. When I added things to my cart it updated on a seperate PayPal web page since they use Paypal for payment. Not bad, just different than what I was used to. SO if anyone else orders from them, dont freak out at the strange shopping cart dealie. Of course having warned everyone about it, nobody will have those issues and y'all will think I'm an idiot.
Sorry to hear that about your tang Nick, maybe they had more than one issue with these in the first place.