Here are the pics as promised...
I had to move the Teardrop Crocea because the RBTA moved over and attached to it one day prior to the split, and I was planning on dipping the clams again.
Both clams and assorted frags...
Blue Crocea, Blue polyped acro, Stylophora, (coloring up nicely since being moved up in the tank), Brown table acro with two crabs, and the chicken foot in the background. The Chicken foot has been turning a neat irridescent green at the bottom of the tank, so I thought I'd move it up higher in the tank and see what happens.
The formerly blue tipped table, the purple acro, and the brown table acro.
Here are both anemones....this is a homemade rock I got from Darrin at one of the club meetings. I'm honestly thinking of using more when I eventually upgrade....
Here is the daughter, its about 1/3 the size of the mother. These pics BTW, dont do justice to any of the colors of the corals, anemones, clams, or fish....gets close to the right color of the rocks I need that D-Rebel!!
Mother RBTA...
Finally pics of the RTN'ing purple tipped acro...
Here is what it loked like when I got it....
Here it is now....Only 1/8th of a branch tip on the left is still alive...cyano is growing on the branches on the right.
One of the last frags...bad pic can see the RTN'ing tissue on the left.....
Finally, the one chance I have left at re-growing this coral....the small one of the left. Oddly enough, this image is close to the true colors of the corals....