Project 58!! (Image intense)

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Well this will make it an even 20....BTW, I can see a small hole opening up to the left of the mouth of the anemone.....
LOL...Looks like its gonna be twins.

Glad I was able to get that split started for ya ;)! 'Bout time it got going! I think it looks nice in your tank. Take pics of the process if/when you can. What does Rocio think of the cloning?

The anemone has not split yet. The small hole beside the mouth I saw earlier in the week is gone. I'm beginning to wonder if this is one of the mythical non-splitting BTA's that are sposed to exist. I did manage to get it fed yesterday, which was tougher than expected. The cleaner wrasse is very brave and has no qualms about getting food out of the anemone. I finally just took a quarter of a cube of Formula 1 and placed in it the anemone's tentacles, causing it to contract around the food. I also fed it a small silverside. Both were gone quickly. A friend of mine has made a trip to Chicago today to check out some captive bred Onyx Percula clowns. These are reported to be True Onyx percs, and I expect she'll be buying two juveniles for her tank. If thee percs look good, I could see making a trip up myself for two juveniles in a month or two. I still want to wait a bit and let the anemone adjust and get acclimated some more before I add some clowns to the mix and stress it out any.

Here is a shot of the RBTA again.


I've noticed encrusting growth on just about all my corals including the Peach Table frags which I had some initial worries about. Its tough to see if the Green Table frags have any encrusting growth, or new growth in the areas that RTN'd, but I'm hopeful. I havent noticed any more tissue loss on those frags that were RTN-ing and thats a good sign. Polyps are all still extending on the Green Table frags, so I am getting more confidant they will make it.

I got my buddy to download the shots I took using his digital rebel. Here are a few of them. Getting them Re-sized was a complete PITA. I used Irfanview and cropped abunch of pics, but they still had to be re-sized to a much smaller image. I apologize about that. I shot all of these images in Fine JPEG mode...would I not have had to resize them so much if I shot in JPEG normal mode, (or whatever the hell isnt Fine mode)?

Here is a shot of the Maze Brain.


While playing around with Irfanview, I found a way to make it a negative of the image....thought it looked kinda cool...


I got a decent shot of the Peach Tipped acro, (different than the peach table that had to be fragged). Can you spot the little bandit acro crab hiding among the branches? (hint, bottom left-ish)


Here is a shot of the Blue Tipped Table acro...finally got a decent one that represents its delicate blue color accurately.


Here is a top down photo of a brown table acro that came in on the same shipment of corals with all the rest. This one sat in the store for a week and showed no signs of RTN so I bought it. I intially put it on the bottom of the tank near the Purple tipped acro on the right side of my tank, while waiting for some epoxy to mount the coral. A snail came by and knocked it over during the night. The acro crab that came with the brown table, (one of the reddish ones), moved to the purple tipped acro, and the bandit acro crab originally in the purple tipped acro moved to this one. The only thing I can think of is the Red acro crab chased the bandit out and he went to the nearest available coral.


I also got a neat top down shot of the Blue Crocea clam. Unfortunately, it looks like it might be showing signs of Pinched Mantle again. This picture was taken before signs appeared. I Know Nikki had to re-dip her clams as they started to pinch up again. I will wait until I have positive mantle curling and pinching before dipping the clam again. The teardrop is fine.


And I got two cool fish shots. Finally a decent image of the Tomini! I say decent because he was moving and the head and face isnt as sharp as the rest of the body. Thanks Travis for telling me about speeding up the ISO in order to get better results when shooting fish. I should have thought of that on my own, but I dont normally shoot moving objects. I still need to practice more...the D-rebel is not my Elan 7e, the auto focus isnt as fast.


And a good shot of the Chalk Bass just hanging out underneath the Blue Crocea. This one shows his colors pretty accurately.


I had been concerned about my Tomini for the last couple of days. He is not going after Nori placed in the tank, nor is he going after Nori shredded up and suirted into the tank with the rest of the food. When the snails cleaned out all the ugly algae, he had very little to nibble on. Fortunately, (sort of) since I gave Nikki 20 of my 30 Astreas, and 50 Ceriths, (all I could get...these little suckers were hiding in the gap between the glass and the cutting board bottom, I couldnt reach them!) some algae has begun to build up on the back wall of the tank and some of the rock is slightly fussy in some places. I think its enough to keep him healthy as he appears to be fineand continues to pick at the rock etc. He will go after the Mysis, Brine Shrimp, and whatever else thats meaty I feed the rest of the tank with, but that isnt enough nutritionally for him. I'm definately planning on continuing to work at gettting him onto Nori...


Page 16 on my #'s 229, and 230....
I've had him since 2-11-05, so a little more than a month.

Oh - the RBTA looks really good! and so do those captive bred black onyx percs ;) hehehe
You gonna post pics or just brag about 'em????

Nikki drove up to Chicago to get two Captive Bred Onyx Percula clowns...

I'm jealous.....for now.

My buddy came over today and showed me a way to resize the images I took using his Digital Rebel so they didnt come out looking like i thought I'd post up some more pics. these arent the best images out there...but I'm working on it!

Here is the right side of the tank.


Here is a right side end shot, (right looking left)


Here is a shot of my 3 most active fish in the tank, The Tomini Tang, Female Bellus angel and Cleaner wrasse. (I was still trying to figure out how to underexpose in this shot...the white cutting board bottom really throws off the on board camera apologies.


Here is a photo of the Cleaner wrasse in the corner of the tank. You can see the tiny 1/4 - 1/8 th inch frags of the green table behind the cleaner wrasse.


And finally, here is another photo of the teardrop crocea. I really need to get a good top down shot of this one, but the lights sit right on top of him so the reflection is nasty. This is where a Melev top down photo box would be nice to have...


Wonderful...keep up the great work...and your picks are better than mine...:)
Thanks Forestal! I'm wanting to get better though.....I'll just have to practice more.


My clams were starting to show signs of Pinched Mantle again, so they got a 35 minute RO/Di bath. We'll see how they look in the morning. Nikki has had to dip hers 3 times now...I dont like playing this game.

My clams haven't made it into the FWD for the 3rd time yet....just to clarify. The smaller of the clams is showing signs of pinching again for the 3rd time, but hasn't taken the plunge.
As of this morning, both clams are doing fine. I'm going to wait three days, and then do another dip. This one will be pre-emptive in the hopes of finishing off whatever is causing this. If PM shows up again after this, I will do the iodine dip in the hopes that ends the mantle pinching.

Man, talk about a saga. I am so glad I don't keep hard things like clams and I only stick to the easier stuff like SPS. Hope your troubles end soon, for I know first hand how frustrating things like these can become.
Actually, I've been doing a lot of research on RC about this.....check out the new Clam Forum with BArry from Clams Direct at the helm...

Ive found a couple of people who have successfully beaten piched mantle...I know Mike and Nikki are brainstorming things for this too....
After this I might try an iodine dip.....


Update, some good some bad....

Yesterday, the anemone moved around on the rock I had it on. I dont know why this surprised and annoyed me since I'm always telling everyone to "put 'em where you want, they'll move where they like." It partially attached to my Teardrop would have been tough to dip the clam again, (if necessary) with an anemone attached to it. So I peeled it off the clam gently. I saw some messentarial filiments while peeling but didnt think too much about it since I'd seen them while peeling it off Nikki's rock work.

Woke up this morning to check the tank and saw I now had two RBTA's. Thye are both on the same rock, just on different sides. It split from the botttom up. The daughter is approximately 1/3 the size of the mother and doesnt have a mouth yet, just an open ragged looking hole. Interestingly enough, the edges of both anemones are whole and fully closed.

I noticed a small area of tissue recession on the blue tipped table coral two days ago...doesnt look like RTN, just a small area that is stripped of flesh. Rest of the coral is healthy with good polyp extension. No further signs of tissue loss.

I turned off the Phosban reactor yesterday, and changed out the return tube since it was a little short and had spilled a little water out of the tank on two occassions. It was functional, I just cut it too short originally, by about 3 inches. And occassionally while putzing around in the sump, (acclimation for example) I would accidently cause a spill. So I shut it down, cut a longer piece of tubing, and connected that. I started the reactor right up again and let it rip full bore. This is the same media I've been using since I sewed the bottom filter sponge down, (about 3 weeks or so), so I didnt think anything of it.

Last night after coming home from the gym I saw a patch of white dead skeleton on the purple tipped acro on the bottom left side of the tank. I dont know what could have caused it, but I saw the acro crab clearing the dead tissue away. I know for a fact it wasnt there before I left for the gym.

I woke up this morning to see how it looked, and saw it had spread a little, but not much. I will be fragging some smaller branches off this one just to be on the safe side. The tissue loss seems to have slowed down considerably. I have absolutely no idea what is causing this. My parameters are stable, (will re-test again today), and I'm seeing encrusting growth on almost all my corals, (fairly sure I'm seeing it on the green table frags now too..but not 100% since the tissue receded initially.)...
Both of these are aquacultured corals, (grown in the open ocean) as are the Green table and the Peach table I had to frag earlier...

So thats the state of things at the moment....Pics will follow, but will not be from the D-rebel, so I dont know how close I get to show the tissue loss of the two corals....


The clams currently look fine. I did give them a 45 minute RO/DI bath two days ago. They opened up shortly after being placed back in the tank. The lab that Barry has sent the clams to studied has reported back that it is indeed caused by a protozoan. An exact ID wont be done due to the increased expense this would cause. The lab did determine that a freshwater bath of 5 minutes was all that was necessary to kill the protozoan. They are also working on finding something to dose which would kill the protozoan. This is needed because the clams close up during the RO dip which convienantly protects the protozoan from the hyposaline treatment. Right now its looking like the drug used to treat the protozoan infestation would also wipe out the bacterial population of the tank so in all likelihood, a seperate tank will be required to treat them in...I'll let folks know more when updates become available.

As far as my tank was a fairly productive day of maintenance. I cleaned the skimmer out yesterday, (happens at least once a week, sometimes twice), did an 18 gallon water change, (only the 2nd since setting up the system...need to be more regular with them...), hooked up two of the B-11 battery back up airpumps, (Power goes out, airpump kicks on until power is restored or battery dies...5 days later) and did some plumbing mods.

The plumbing mods were to the chiller return. I removed the loc-line returns and hard plumbed two new ones that are not going to cause micro bubbles. I didnt realize when I first started plumbing this that Loc-line isnt air tight. Mojo told me, but I didnt quite get what he was saying...until I saw them all. The loc-line joints will pull air in with the water generating micro bubbles.

For some reason, the locline returns from the chiller and the sump return were generating more bubbles when I ran the Mag 7 along with the Iwaki 40 that feeds the chiller. Running just the Iwaki (which is horribly choked down by the chiller's internal heat exchange coil) slows the flow through my sump down to about 4 times total turnover, with the Mag 7 running also, I'm getting the total system turnover up to about 8 times.

The main reason to run both pumps simultaneously is to move more water through the system, which kicks up more stuff and , (hopefully), puts it in the water column where the skimmer can get to it. I have a new return dry fitted up to replace the single return from the Mag 7. I want to be able to blow the gap between the rear glass and the cuttingboard clean on both sides, and prevent detritus from building up there.

And speaking of detritus...I removed the chaetomorphia algae today...the amount of funk that came flying out when I disturbed it was NASTY.....ewwwwww.....
While attempting to rescue as many chaeto dwelling critters as possible, I saw something kinda cool...a micro brittle star fell onto the platygyra brain, and was eaten.

I used a label maker to put today's date on the case of one of the airpumps...this way I know how long the batteries have been in it. I plan on replacing the batteries on daylight saving time in the fall...same as the smoke detectors in the house.

Thats the extent of the positives... two of the last three frags from the purple tipped acro are showing RTN...

I have one frag of the coral left from when I first mounted it on te left side of the fell over and broke off a small tip, which I epoxied to the rockwork on the other side of the tank. Hopefully, that one survives. Otherwise its a total loss.

I moved the acro crab to the blue tipped table...didnt realize it was too large to fit between the branches of that one. It moved when the lights went out to the brown table it originally came in on. That acro now has two crabs in it. They dont exactly interact...but they dont fight either. Its kinda like the odd couple there...or maybe those two grumpy old guys in the balcony from The Muppet Show.

Here are the pics as promised...

I had to move the Teardrop Crocea because the RBTA moved over and attached to it one day prior to the split, and I was planning on dipping the clams again.

Both clams and assorted frags...


Blue Crocea, Blue polyped acro, Stylophora, (coloring up nicely since being moved up in the tank), Brown table acro with two crabs, and the chicken foot in the background. The Chicken foot has been turning a neat irridescent green at the bottom of the tank, so I thought I'd move it up higher in the tank and see what happens.


The formerly blue tipped table, the purple acro, and the brown table acro.


Here are both anemones....this is a homemade rock I got from Darrin at one of the club meetings. I'm honestly thinking of using more when I eventually upgrade....


Here is the daughter, its about 1/3 the size of the mother. These pics BTW, dont do justice to any of the colors of the corals, anemones, clams, or fish....gets close to the right color of the rocks I need that D-Rebel!!


Mother RBTA...


Finally pics of the RTN'ing purple tipped acro...

Here is what it loked like when I got it....


Here it is now....Only 1/8th of a branch tip on the left is still alive...cyano is growing on the branches on the right.


One of the last frags...bad pic can see the RTN'ing tissue on the left.....


Finally, the one chance I have left at re-growing this coral....the small one of the left. Oddly enough, this image is close to the true colors of the corals....

