Project 65 underway.....(Lots o' pics)

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Here is a picture of the top of the tank. This gives you a good idea of the acrylic pieces I had cut and how my fans are situated. Here is also an updated shot of the whole tank. I've added probably about 20 pounds of rock and a few new fish; a Coral Beauty and a Kole Tang. And don't mind the box over my goni, he's in rehab :) I'm really happy how everything turned out. I'm hoping to pick up some new corals during the frag swap as well. Sorry about the large pics!


Full Tank:
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I bought the goni without doing any real research on it and found that I haven't been giving it the best of care. That was my first and last impulse purchase. It was in high light and flow and it's polyps were never extending. So I built the box to reduce flow and make spot feeding possible at night. I'm hoping I can slowing increase the flow and light as it recovers, but we'll see. And thanks for the comments, this tank is way more fun than more my previous 26 gallon :)
Nice looking setup there Blazer. I enjoy seeing the fine work being done by reefkeepers everywhere, and your setup is very nicely done. Congratulations!

I am looking at a 200 to 240 myself, this winter, and I don't if I will be able to stand all the fun! :D

Keep it up, and Happy reef keeping > Wave98 :)
Very very nice Blazer88. Keep an eye on that nice coralline I see there...Jiddy is on the hunt for some (LOL)
It's pretty funny to dig this old thread up and see those old pics. The tank sure looked bare when I first set it up and I think it has progressed nicely. Here are some updated pictures and new livestock shots. Enjoy.
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Here are some more. I figured it would be easier to attach the pictures rather than host them on photobucket so they stay in this thread.
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I think I'm just about out of pictures for now. The picture from August of the tank with only 35 pounds of rock is pretty funny :lol: I've had a lot of fun with this hobby and look forwards to more successful years to come!
Rick- Nice set up & I see you got a new copper banded buddy. Hopefully you have good luck with him. Is he eating frozen foods? eating aptasia?

By the way, what type/model of camera do you have? those macro shots are really nice- I mean really really nice!
I did pick up the CBB yesterday. He was eating frozen Mysis like there was no tomorrow in the LFS, I figured he was my best chance for success. He has been eating Mysis and Brine in my tank, but not much of it yet. I figure he will be fine once he settles into the tank. I only have one aptasia in my tank, which of course he hasn't touched yet. I was just happy, and surprised, to see him eating at the LFS. And sorry bro, they only have one or else I would have called you, lol.
Sounds great. I am glad you found yourself a new friend that actually eats. He looks like he has really nice coloring too. Although it could be that Sweet camera- what type is that again?

P.S- thanks for rubbing it in that you only have a single aptasia :D :D :D LOL.
It's not all nano has two aptasia :lol: The camera I use is a Kodak DZ7590. Hopefully you can find another CBB someday that is eating as well. So far he is a really cool fish. He has started to explore the whole tank and checking out the rocks. He has only been eating like 5 or 6 pieces of mysis at a time though I don't know what is considered normal for them. I am glad to see he is interested and eating food, but hopefully his appetite will pick up once he settles.
I figured why he wasn't eating much. The Mysis I had was well over a year old (it was half full when I got it a year ago). I bought a new package and he ate 20-30 pieces and didn't spit any out. So looks like I got lucky that he loves Mysis :D Now if he would only find that one aptasia I have.....
I figured why he wasn't eating much. The Mysis I had was well over a year old (it was half full when I got it a year ago). I bought a new package and he ate 20-30 pieces and didn't spit any out. So looks like I got lucky that he loves Mysis Now if he would only find that one aptasia I have.....

LOL!!! dood were you trying to give him dihirrea? :lol: :lol:, now don't forget to get him some peptobismol.
Here is the most recent shot. I've posted about a thousand different livestock pictures in the photography forum but not many full-tank shots. This was taken in November. I'm hoping this tank will come down in spring time to make way for a 120G tank.
