Proud to say that I have not heard one member degrade a LFS in Seattle area.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Ed Hahn

Life is A Highway...
Jan 27, 2004
Kennewick, Wa
Recently I heard a statement reguarding what does Puget Sound Aquarium Society do for our LFS. We talk about you as a group. We introduce people to your shop. We make every effort to support you. We introduce people that join to your business. We are a write off to you for advertising. At times we share valuable information of needs of hobbyist, What we would like to buy, information on new equipment, what we saw. Communication is the key.

I am proud to say there has been no trash talking of LFS from Board members. I am proud to say PSAS is making every effort to support Sponsors. Randy last year introduced quite a few people to your store with evite sales for those that requested. Thats right you had the chance to communicate with Members by email through club. Every card has sponsors names that club recommends. You got word of mouth and were able to email over four hundred people of your sale.

I know money is tight, but please do not ask what Puget Sound has done for me? When people with experience are asked where to go. We want to say your store. We want to give them your contact information. Most Club Members are drawn into LFS that support each other. That little card with names on it goes a long way.

I am not mad. I am just a little confused this statement came up. I am not going to ask where. I do not want to know. I am just asking that people work together.

Call me and let me explain my oppinion. I have a little experience from going to LFS that have supported us in past. Its been good from what I have seen.

The goal for club is to work as one with LFS. Please remember that. We depend on you. Any negative feed is a loss for both sides.

I appreciate your support.
thanks in advance,
Ed Hahn
Great reply....

Before i joined i only went to one store. Now i drive to Issaquah, Seattle, Where ever i need to . I only purchase at sponsored stores.
Our LFS has offered the discount to card valid carrying members without being printed on the back .:D
We would love to be in better communication with the club, let us know what we need to make this happen:idea:
There is a large church next door to our shop, maybe someday we could host a meeting ??
Red Sea,
Thank you very much.

Contact Randy or I. I will make a attempt to call you. I am helping a friend move their aquarium this morning(most likely all day). I will call you as soon as I can.
It was nice talking to you yesterday. I hope you make the meeting on June 21st.