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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Nice to see some of the old timers still log in to see what is up. I to have been watching weekly. I may not post as much as I once did. But will help out with info when I know I am passing along good solid facts.
The BEST site for New and experienced Reefers And FOWLR Systems!! I haven't posted in about a lot but I Agree this site must never Die!!


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I was just waiting for someone to catch up my post count but you guys are slunking on the job :p. Life has been throwing me some curve balls, but still pressing on. I have an epidural Monday and some more life changes as a last effort of avoiding surgery. Been dying for a tank, but at this point, I couldn't siphon water. :(
I was just waiting for someone to catch up my post count but you guys are slunking on the job :p. Life has been throwing me some curve balls, but still pressing on. I have an epidural Monday and some more life changes as a last effort of avoiding surgery. Been dying for a tank, but at this point, I couldn't siphon water. :(

I don't think anyone will catch up to you Krish.
Sorry to hear about the health problems. Hope you get a handle on it.
Yeah, as long as I've been here I should have at LEAST half the posts that you do! :censored:
I know that when I started in the hobby, Chris at Saltwater City told me about this site and it has been a big help to me, answering my many questions. I have also made a lot of friends because of RF.
Frustrates the hell out of me that this site is dying. I goto Reef Central and it's SO vibrant. Sucks that everyone there lives in ILLINOIS, SoCal or FL!!!

Never would have thought to use RC and vibrant in the same sentence-lol. I haven't been a member of RF for very long but I must say it has become 1 of 2 of my personal favorites. Some like the big cities with tons of people and hundreds of stores. Me? I like a smaller town where it's close and personal, where everybody knows your name and the shops are about quality not quantity :)
For me the pull to RC is the traffic. It blows I cant make personal travel type contact with 98% of anyone there I might come to dig. Anytime something cool is for sale its virtually inaccessible due to geography. Have heard several 2nd/3rd hand stories about some major drama between prominent members here and someone left and took a bunch of members with him. Cant stand the "drama" all forums are inextricably fraught with anyway so I never delved but I hate the fact that I'm a relatively new reefer and "missed out" on what appears to, at one time, been a great resource. And I loathe social media and the cancer it has become to our society so I cringe when people tell me the "deals" are now on facebook.

I hate it when someone makes a reference to Social Media as being cancer like. I've never known Cancer of any kind doing as much good as Social Media does. I should know, Cancer killed 2 of my sisters. What are these forums but Social Media? Yes I choose to look at Social Media in a positive light. It finds lost animals, promotes fund raisers for our vets, shines light on our missing and exploited children, just to name a few of the millions of positive uses for Social Media. Bottom line, it's what you make it, take from it and how you apply it. Oh and you can find great deals on fish & corals via FB :)
Social media isn't moderated nearly as heavily as RF is now. We still look around some but based on recent experience I don't think this sight is nearly as user friendly as it once was.
Social media isn't moderated nearly as heavily as RF is now. We still look around some but based on recent experience I don't think this sight is nearly as user friendly as it once was.

The biggest thing moderated here is spammers, I can't remember any moderation to regular users. As far as friendly, I think that statement may be offensive to other members here that are very friendly.
The biggest thing moderated here is spammers, I can't remember any moderation to regular users. As far as friendly, I think that statement may be offensive to other members here that are very friendly.

Yuppers! I didn't wanna say anything after reading this this morning. My reply definitely wouldn't have been considered unfriendly-lol. :)
I actually said "user friendly", not being user friendly is in no way a statement about members - it is about the site. As far as being moderated I was personally told that I couldn't mention that I had puppies that we were trying to get rid of, not even acceptable in "the water fountain". In my opinion that is not "user friendly".
I know of no Marine forum where it is acceptable to post free puppies. I can think of several reasons why it is just wrong to even consider it. How much easier can a forum be to use then this one? The rules are simple, the people are caring and kind.
To call it "not user friendly" because you wanted something and didn't get it, is not very friendly at all. I'm saddened you feel the way you do. Your really missing out :)
Facebook is just to0 easy and most have smartphones where it is with you 24/7.

must admit there is very little educational value on facebook....but I always use speach to txt on my phone too where here I am actually having to type.
I'm in the process of shutting down my tank, and while trying to sell my stuff on Classifieds I noticed a few things.

1) The Panjo site that Reef Frontiers kicks you to when you want to post to classifieds has a lot of technical issues.
2) One of the major drivers for me coming to the site regularly was to check out stuff people were selling.
3) If people can't easily post stuff for sale, and/or there is very little stuff for people to look at, people will stop coming to the site.

I recently tried posting an ad for hardware:

When I click on the forum link for Equipment for Sale, my ad doesn't appear. In fact, I only see 2 ads on that forum, posted about a week ago. But when you browse the equipment for sale link on Panjo, you see a lot more items listed.[category]=4667

The strange thing is I'm still getting a few people responding from Reef Frontiers, so I'm wondering if they have learned to just browse the Panjo site?

One of the buyers of my corals made an interesting comment about how there used to be tons of ads posted to the site, and now you hardly ever see any.

I'm wondering if the problems with Panjo and the drop in activity on Reef Frontiers are related. Definitely something to look into.