PSAS events

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
p-town, WA
Hey theres a couple up comming events id like people to know about!
like the frag swap next month and a kool grow out competition thats going to start soon i thinks

Plz take a look and visit more often. Cant do it with out the people!
Are you guys interested in setting up the PSAS member e-mails for upcoming events again? If so I could send you in the right direction. Its always helpful when I get an e-mail telling me where, when and what the meetings are about.
Thats a lot of emails and contacts. We arent going to send out 1000's of messages not knowing who or if they even want one. If u want to come to the events, you should look up the info. This has been brought up and this is wat we have decided on. This thread wouldnt even be up, if i hadnt posted it....
Might have to come to the next meeting. We missed the last one because we didn't even know it was happening.
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I'm new to the hobby here. Are these types of frag swap invite only or open to forum members? I'm very interested in coming. Really have nothing to offer but would like to see and/or buy corals from people. Would appreciate it if someone can pm me more information
The membership is a fantastic value that helps support our local groups and vendors. Sign up is usually available at the meets.
Thats a lot of emails and contacts. We arent going to send out 1000's of messages not knowing who or if they even want one. If u want to come to the events, you should look up the info. This has been brought up and this is wat we have decided on. This thread wouldnt even be up, if i hadnt posted it....

LOL, The club used to ( and still does) have a google account with all the registered members set up. Its as easy as typing the message and BCC'ing all the members. It's not 1000's of messages. One a month. If the members dont want to receive them, they can easily label them as spam or formally ask to be removed from the mailing list.

Even easier, (after members have been added to the group) flicker has automated e-mailing once the years calendar has been updated. Ya, it would be a bit of work t get back up and running but it would also bring the club up to the standards it was at for the last 15 years. Until two years ago.
Trust me when I say people are lazy and wont seek out the club. You have to create a buzz and get members talking about it to non-members. A simple reminder to everyone will help keep the buzz alive.
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Thats a lot of emails and contacts. We arent going to send out 1000's of messages not knowing who or if they even want one. If u want to come to the events, you should look up the info. This has been brought up and this is wat we have decided on. This thread wouldnt even be up, if i hadnt posted it....

If you feel the people should look up the info for themselves. then why would you bother posting this thread???

IMO if you want your events to be a success you need to let as many people as possible know that it is coming up. The E-mail soulotion sounds to me to be the best bang for the buck.

Dont know how many times I have told my son, " You get out of it , what you put into it "
I'm thinking that there are a lot of PSAS members out there that dont know a lot of things have changed and that there is so much going on with the group because they dont even log into the website anymore. Maybe an email would get them to check the site out again and maybe start getting involved again.
Might have to come to the next meeting. We missed the last one because we didn't even know it was happening.
We have made a lot of changes to the site. It is VERY clear what is happening if people go to the site. I understand the people have become accustomed to not visiting the site because information wasn't always available. We also posted it in the PSAS club section of RF. Mojo is going to allow us to post up RF site-wide announcements occasionally with important events, but those that want to participate still need to look at the club section here, or on We're doing everything we can to rebuild the club.

Are you guys interested in setting up the PSAS member e-mails for upcoming events again? If so I could send you in the right direction. Its always helpful when I get an e-mail telling me where, when and what the meetings are about.
When we took over the club, we were told that people had complained in the past about what they considered "spam" from the club. I respect people's privacy, I don't want to send them info they don't want. I read you post further on. I agree that it can be done, I just need to find out who wants to be on the mailing list again. Right now, it's a full time job recovering a lot of details behind the scenes with the club.

I'm new to the hobby here. Are these types of frag swap invite only or open to forum members? I'm very interested in coming. Really have nothing to offer but would like to see and/or buy corals from people. Would appreciate it if someone can pm me more information
Sorry this went unanswered. I didn't know this thread was even going. I've been busy behind the scenes at our club forum and with financial/marketing paperwork behind the scenes. This event is open to everyone. Feel free to come with empty hands. There's no requirement to show up. We just want to offer a venue monthly for hobbiests to share their passion. It's not about who has the "coolest" or "rarest" corals. We have very experienced members and members that just picked up a fish bowl at Petco last week. We're all here to help each other and share the experience.

If you feel the people should look up the info for themselves. then why would you bother posting this thread???
IMO if you want your events to be a success you need to let as many people as possible know that it is coming up. The E-mail soulotion sounds to me to be the best bang for the buck.
Dont know how many times I have told my son, " You get out of it , what you put into it "
Agreed. We have a million things going on right now. We need to finalize the location for the Bob Moore frag swap soon and a ton of other critical issues to address before we can get to it. Once we have the time, we will make the move. Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you to everyone posting here with feedback! We don't always have the same methods, but we have the same goal. We want a FRIENDLY community locally where everyone is welcome and we can just share our passion for the hobby. Hope to see you all soon.
Thats a lot of emails and contacts. We arent going to send out 1000's of messages not knowing who or if they even want one. If u want to come to the events, you should look up the info. This has been brought up and this is wat we have decided on. This thread wouldnt even be up, if i hadnt posted it....

Seriously!? Email, to a membership list, WITH a link to unsubscribe, is typically how MOST clubs work.

"If you want to come to an event you should look it up??!!" Really? So the club should do NOTHING to promote itself, and members should have to research when and where events will be held, IF they want to attend?

You discussed this and decided THIS IS HOW THE CLUB WILL WORK? Who did you discuss this with? Did the PSAS BOD come to a quarum AND agreement on this? Is the PSAS BOD still intact, working according to the PSAS Bylaws?

Setting up a ONCE MONTHLY MASS EMAIL, including an UNSUBSCRIBE link, is quite easy and well within the "norm" for any club. Using BCC, and an Auto Unsubscribe link will alleviate any privacy issues.
I said from day one that one of my main goals was to have a open positive environment where members could offer their input and suggestions. We didn't have a mailing list working when I took over for reasons stated above. We have the advantage that some other clubs don't of having a good forum of our own. We assumed (incorrectly?) that individuals who wanted to participate would at least glance at the club site or club section here once in a while. If members want us to revive the mailing list I'm not opposed as I said above. If members want a list working again, I will make it happen but we have immediate priorities that will be addressed first. The gmail is a mess. It will take time to function the way our members want it to. Please keep the conversation positive here. I'm a farm boy from Illinois not a hippy but I still appreciate the value of a friendly open discussion on the direction the club should take.
I'm a farm boy from Illinois not a hippy but I still appreciate the value of a friendly open discussion on the direction the club should take.

Agreed totally, look we have a few folks here that have donated their time and efforts to try and bring this club back to what it was prior. If their is some feedback try to make it positive or at least said in a positive fashion and not mixed in with shock horror and drama??:noidea::becky:

To the psas please create any announcements or anything you would really like the club members that are on RF to view or see in your own PSAS forum and then also create a copy of it in the announcement forum. The thread in the announcement forum will show up on the front page and on the whats new feature so it will give you much better exposure.

On a side note I think doing an email to members would be a good thing, if I remember it was done through your facebook page wasnt it?? This way you know that if someone has joined it they want to have direct participation. I think sending out a email of what is going on in the psas once a month would not be considered spam by anyone and would give you a great way to promote all things psas and the work you have done on your own forums.

good luck

Please keep the conversation positive here. I'm a farm boy from Illinois not a hippy but I still appreciate the value of a friendly open discussion on the direction the club should take.

I must apologize. I just reread my last post and it did come off as a bit aggressive and negative, which was not at all my intent. So, I do apologize about that.
its all good ppl! I was just trying to get the word out! We do discuss things as a BOD and try to make the best choices for the club and its members~!
Thxs for the support and we are looking at good years ahead i believe!
Ya, I was only trying to help in suggesting the e-mails. Getting the club back up to where things were is going to take some slow steady work in order to not get burned out in a big hurry because running the club even with a full BOD is a lot of work. At the moment I'm too busy with cub scouts to be a valuable member to the club. I can however answer any questions you might have about the " way things were" and can also give you names of some valuable resources that might be willing to do some behind the scenes work to get things rolling again.

Thank you Both for taking on the task of keeping the PSAS alive and running.