PSAS September Frag Swap

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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i would like to personally thank all of the club members for making such a great frag swap a reality. :)
special thanks goes out to paul for hosting the even only a week away from breaking down all those tanks and moving into a new house!
we were also able to put a nice dent in our membership renewal for the year, as well seeing some new faces this year. if you havnt already,you can renew your membership or sign up for new membership at any of our monthly meetings.
thanks again to everyone for an awesome event!
I met some people I had chatted with on internet, even better in person, thank you. It was nice to finally meet you guys. I saw some awesome deals on rare corals. The corals were all heathy, organized with tanks to prevent Acro bugs. This event was put on very well. Hats off to the People of PSAS for making everything as smooth and enjoyable as could be..Very Well Done. Each time I visit I walk away with a new information on how to improve. Hey, I had so much fun. I did not even bring my camera..Which I regret. I hope some one took pictures.
Thanks for the good time.
Yep, names tags are always good, for new folk, and ones that are just not good with names. I fall into both catagories:lol: .
This was my first frag swap that I have ever attended and my wife and I had a great time. We were only able to stay for about an hour and a half, but we were still able to come home with arm loads of stuff. It was nice putting some faces to the names and talking to people. Thanks for hosting this at your house Paul.....and the nice Ricordia and RBTA :)
Wow, that was a great event, everyone was great. I think this has to be the best bunch of people in a hobby group I have seen. People I had met for the first time were offering much needed advice and offering little frags for my system at "friendly" prices. Nobody seemed to be trying to take advantage of anyone and there was no pushing and shoving (except by Paul trying to find his frag cutters, plastic bags or change for a $50 :) . I came home with a lot of nice little frags, and even some brownies.
Thank you Paul for opening up your home to all of us. And thank you to all of the people that helped with this event. (and thank you to whoever brought those little chocolate muffin things)

Only problem is I don't have enough frag glue for all of the pieces I came home with, but they already look great.
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I picked up 3 tubes of glue last night at the swap. I believe Erik was the gentlemans name, give paul a holler and he can hook you up with him. Way better deal that the stuff you can buy in the stores.
I had a great time and picked up some nice stuff for my tank :) Great to meet some new faces and talk with some I already knew.
I'm glad you all had fun and picked up some great frags; I was sorry to have missed it!
Hey Dave (dpaynter), That pincushion I got from you opened up really nice the next day. Seems to be doing just fine. :D

I'm glad to hear that. I was a little concerned since only one of the four pincushion frags I brought opened up at the frag swap, and that one only partially.

By the way, the "d" is for Dale.

Dale Paynter