So after thinking about a more powerful DIY exterior motor driven magnetic pump, I have come to the conclusion that it's just not in my best interest to search for one. I have discovered that the mj1200 runs at 1800rpm (under load) and with the prop mod, it moves 1500gph. So that is a goal for someone to shoot for when picking a motor. 1500rpm under load, and it varies what it is without load. (depends on the torque) and I havent looked into how much torque it takes to move water or how the torque varies with prop angles and etc. etc.
What I did do was finalize my nano sized DIY exterior motor driven magnetic pump so that it could be run in my 8g sps tank. Which might I add, is 100% sps now
Final Thoughts:
I did locate the vortech mp pump patent:
HereAnd they said that the wetside and dryside were held together by the drive magnets and none other using magnets of a perferd 5 pounds. I, on the other hand, couldnt use 5 pound magnets because My motor was of too low torque. I used closer to 1.2 pound magnets, which was not enough to hold the 2 pieces together. So I added a third magnet just above the dryside housing and I encased a magnet in epoxy and just put it in the tank to hold the dryside on the other side. You will see a random black dot in the pictures, thats the wetside holding magnet and also a buldge on the housing of the dryside and thats the dryside holding magnet.
Final Pictures:
Wetside top down
Wetside under:
Side by Side:
Side by Side top down:
So With the rebuild of the wetside underside, I have decreased the friction which made the pump spin faster and push more water. As a rough guestimate comparing mainly to my k-nano, it pushes ~220gph with a flow diameter of 5"
The wetside is 1.25" in diameter, and 1.25" in height.
I'll post a video of it operating in my cube sometime tomorrow. This is WAY more quiet than a vortech. Some do say that a vortech is very quiet, but I have my skimmer off during the day, so there is zero sound (I have 2 80mm pc fans but those are only 15 db) Its a little louder than a k-nano when its submerged and you're listening from out of the water.
I dont know if I should post a tutorial or not. Although alot of the parts I used and the techniques I used in my nano build could be used for a larger sized pump in the future if someone wanted to do it. Give me some feedback on this please.