Question about distilled water

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Jul 3, 2006
Kansas City Missouri
I have a question about distilled water.I think i know the answer but i want to make sure. I was wanting to know if you could use that to fill your tank up? The reason is where we are moving the lfs doesnt sale saltwater or ro/di water. The ro/di unit i have is the Kent Marine 35gpd Hi-S RO/DI Unit and its very slowwwwwwwwww. It would take forever to fill the 55 gal tank up. Any help would be great thanks guys!!!!!

distilled water will work just fine. the one thing you want to make sure is that the distilled water u use was not ever contaminated with copper other than that when you mix it with your salt there will be no issues. if you have access to a walmart then thats where i would recomend you get it from. its like 75 cents a gallon and is the one with the purple cap.
I used walmarts water for years. It is also the cheapest I could find. Look into upgrading your RO unit though. I used a little RO unit like that for a couple of months, it was such a waste of time and money. Like lots of equipment in this hobby we buy something cheap to begin with, then get frustrated and go out again and buy what we should have bought in the first place.

Good luck.
DAMN IT! Figures soon as I say this something goes wrong with my RO and now I'm back to distilled water.
This is pretty irrelevant to this topic but I want to share this little story to you guys. Over the winter i bought a 6 stage 110gpd ro system off e Bay. I paid around $140 w/shipping. I had to get a booster pump cause of my water pressure. The RO unit was great and along with using it for my tank,I also quite buying water for drinking. Well then a few months went by and my house which had been on the market sold. Cold as hell,I tore down my 125 and set it up at my parents basement so my dad could keep an eye on it,which he likes to do! I had a week to get my ro water supply built up so that way when I moved my tank, it would have a fresh start. I had planned to hook up the ro in the basement the following day after I set the tank up but, I was wiped out from the move. Plus dealing with moving every thing else out of the house in less than a week. After a few days went by I remembered about the ro hook up I had been putting off. I could not find it anywhere!! After searching high and low I found it outside at my dads. All three pre filters had frozen up and busted off the housing and the membrain housing had cracked! What a waste! It would cost more to fix it than to just buy another one. Ill try and get a pic of it, it will make you cringe. Another costly mistake with this hobby.....LoL:eek:
Damn dude that sucks!

I went to walmart today. 9 boxes of three gallon distilled water jugs. I've got to get up another RO asap.
Distilled water is fine. It is an myth in today's age about the cooper and it effecting DW. Copper lines are not used any more in making DW.
Distilled water is fine. It is an myth in today's age about the cooper and it effecting DW. Copper lines are not used any more in making DW.
Unless your hard headed & demand you have everything plumbed copper LOL, my sister has an older distiller we just hooked back up & it is all copper:)
but even then I don't think you would have any issues just because of the way water is purified in this manner, end result is very pure water.