OK, for anyone that cares, or for the sake of someone down the road, I have the answer. I set this up on my back porch and tested both methods. Test parameters:
Source water was a 55 gallon drum. Pump was a Reeflo Hammer at 6000 GPH. 1 1/2" intake and outlet on pump.
Test 1 . (Bottom Pic) The 1.5" output went to a manifold with 6 ports. The manifold had 1" outlets which were bushed down to 3/4. 2 feet of 3/4" pipe came from each outlet and terminated in a 90 pointing down into a 5 gallon bucket. Applied power, all 6 buckets filled at same rate.
Test 2. (Top Pic) The 1.5" output went to a 1.5" tee. The tee was bushed down to 3/4" A loop of 3/4" pipe was made similar to pic with tees at each output spigot pointing down into 5 gallon buckets. Outlets A and D filled 5 gallon buckets to top. Outlets B and E filled about 4.2 gallons. Outlets C and F filled the buckets 3.6 gallons. Conclusion, in a circuit the outputs further from the source have the most flow. For the record, Todd was correct.
This test was not scientific and exact, it was just a fun casual attempt at finding an answer, your results may vary.