Question regarding compatible fish.

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Sep 14, 2010
Can a Railway Goby and a Diamond Goby live in the same tank? I have Railway but he isn't really doing the job like a Diamond Goby does. He seems more interested in eating food then cleaning sand.

My sand is getting ridiculously dirty.....I need a efficient cleaner.
yes they can "what size tank"??and the best sand sifter IMO are some sandsifting stars, they work very well and the brown on the sand is it diatom and or settled food and fish waste!??? if it's diatom it will go away as the tank matures if it's fish waste the skimmer u have may not be skimming soo effeciantly or you need to up your routine in cleaning the sand!!! hope that helps u out and good luck!!!
I had a starfish but either the shark or the ray disposed of him. I have a 3x3 cube with nasty brown stuff on sand. Railway just isn't cutting it. And I have a 2 inch Diamond Goby in my 2x2x2 cube but I cant stop thinking he will become a meal in the big tank.
Oh yes he will!!!! that shark will usally eat almost all smaller fish and invert!!! But the best way to take of that problem feed your shark at night and let him get used to the food your feeding him and then add the other smaller fish in the big tank but make sure your shark and Ray are fed very well and they will usually not bother to eat the other smaller fish!!! And if u don't mind me asking how big is the big tank holding the Ray and shark????? I hope it's at least a 200 and up because when it grows u will end up getting rid of it I promise I used to have a nurse shark (Ginglymostoma Cirratum) and he grew fast and ended up loosing money on him because I had to sell for 500$ and I paid 1200$ three years ago on a web site called" just rare fish"!!! But again that's your tank and I promise u that the shark will end up growing crazy fast and it will eat and kill lots of other fish!!! I actually kept a volitan lion 13.5 and he was the only fish that made it through the sharks lifetime in my old 448 long!!! I got rid of that tank and shark and got a wayyy smaller tank 130g display with all reef friendly fish I'm done with the badass fish all they do is tear my other prize fish apart or end up picking on them makin them look ugly!!! Hope that help bro and good luck!!!
Sorry for loosing track on the shark I just think their bada$$!!! But the point here!!! The algae on the sand it will eventually go away just vacuum as much of that stuff up and it will disapear promise!!!! It's a sign that a your tank is young!!!! How old is your tank having the brown sand problem???
the tank with the sand problem is very young....a couple months old. This tank is purely temporary is a 3x3 and the shark is around 8 inches. We are building up a much larger tank. We just have to settle on final dimensions...we keep bouncing back and forth between 10x6 or 8x5.
10 by six would be sick bro that is one bad$$ tank and ok so now that I kno that the tank is young then let it go just do your water changes and stir the sand only the top suface of the bed u don't want to disturbe the sand beneath the surface honestly with me I don't vacuum my sand bed I only stir and it's worked very good in the past set ups!!! So again stir the suface just to take that brown away and go along with the flow it will go away and aim a power head where it is showing so that your power heads help move and somewhat sift the sand for u!!!! Hope that helps brotha and good luck!!!
I gotta see this tank build when it is done bro!!! U can almost go sea diving!!! If your in the area I would luv ta see that tank when it is all cherried up bro!!! Good luck with sand prob. And good luck with the build!!!!
I have a MP40 in there turned down to about 80%. The problem with the PH on the sand idea is I have sugar sized sand so it gets blow all over the place when I have the Vortech turned up.

Thank you very much for the input and compliments.

I guess I forgot what it was like to have a young tank again. Not that my 2x2 is old but 3 years makes a big difference.
If your relying on a fish to clean your sand I doubt that will ever happen. There are better ways to do it good husbandry is key to success.
I agree scooter man that is tru but if ur lazy like me I like to see my display work on it's own I buy fish that have certain jobs ect. That way I can see nature work at it's best so I would recomend Reeflogic to DIY because it seems that every time u buy "workers" for ur tank they get eaten or to scared o the other fish to come out and do their job!!! That is the consequences of having bad@$$ fish!!! Which there is no problem with that!!! But now reeflogic u gotta get down and dirty with ur tank!!! And that is the one big reason why I went to all reef freindly fish so that nature can do the job for me rather then me do the job for nature!!!! nature is the best at cleaning any tank as long as u keep ur perams on point!!! I have my reef tank set up to where it cleans itself all I have to do is service and water change I don't even vacuum my sand as I believe that I am stealing from my system when I used to vacuum my sand!!! Hope that helps and much good luck with ur system!!!!
I agree scooter man that is tru but if ur lazy like me I like to see my display work on it's own I buy fish that have certain jobs ect. That way I can see nature work at it's best so I would recomend Reeflogic to DIY because it seems that every time u buy "workers" for ur tank they get eaten or to scared o the other fish to come out and do their job!!! That is the consequences of having bad@$$ fish!!! Which there is no problem with that!!! But now reeflogic u gotta get down and dirty with ur tank!!! And that is the one big reason why I went to all reef freindly fish so that nature can do the job for me rather then me do the job for nature!!!! nature is the best at cleaning any tank as long as u keep ur perams on point!!! I have my reef tank set up to where it cleans itself all I have to do is service and water change I don't even vacuum my sand as I believe that I am stealing from my system when I used to vacuum my sand!!! Hope that helps and much good luck with ur system!!!!

Sand beds are sinks, at some point you will have more than it can handle and you will develop sudden issues, every critter in there poops just as much it eats and it never all goes away. The good thing about a SB is that can be a long ways down and the fish regardless are cool to have. In time you will find this out!:decision:
ya I haven't vacuumed my sad in over a year and display is still goin strong!!! I don't just let evrything sit in the bed, I take a turkey baster and suck in water and stir my bed that way and it seems to work that's just one of my experiments and for the past 1 year + all my corals are cherry I have sps,lps and softies and when I stir the sand they all open and seems to feed on watever is in my bed!!! I'm not arguing but the way to be the best reefer is to experinment that's how discoveries are made everyday by "experinmententing!!! Trust me I wouldn't recomend this if it didn't work for me!!! I luv all my fish all the way down to my tiny feather dusters!!! And for my system it seems to work!!! And I kno all systems are different!!! It's almost common sense!!! Do u ever notice that when u vacuum your bed that small Copepods, and or tiny shrimp get sucked up???? Well I figured that we don't have a giant vacuum for our oceans so I wanted to try and see if I don't vacuum my bed all those creatures won't be tskin away from my system!!! That's just my experinment and it works great!!!! I try and find ways for my system to be almost maintainence free but yet stay healthy!!!! Sorry bro not arguing just tellin u my opinion!!!
Salty you said in the above post you don't vacuum your sb and this one you do LOL!
The difference between your tank and the ocean is your tank is a box, nothing ever get exported unless you do it manually or with equipment, this is a fact not an opinion.
I agree you must experiment and no harm in doing so, I think that i all good and a one year Sb is very young to say the least. Lots has to do with how deep it is, what types of sand, critter and livestock, equipment and yes husbandry, so the blanket statement is misleading, that is my point nothing more. :)
I used to!!!! now I don't!! About a 1+ years ago!!! my tank is well established 4.5 years old and still goin strong I kno that yes it's box but as long as u replenish the nutrients in actuallity our box is a tiny ecosystem replacing water is like when it rains in the ocean, cleaning our tanks is like all the bad washing up to shore, and power heads is like having our currents in the ocean!!! I have a very mature system!!! And again all people will argue with me in my experinment just like people in reefsanctuary but for me it works may not work for u but it works real good in my tiny ecosystem!!! I'm done arguing with u and no matter how many + years we may have I still learn something new!!! Sorry bro ur system is ur system and mine is mine!!!! All are different!!! Lol read my thread again because if u understood it I said I used to now I don't!!!! I was just explaining what I saw when vacuuming!!! Lol hahahaha I luv this people always have their opinions!!! It's coo though!!! I started learning reefing from my pops since I can remeber that's all he did after work and I lived a reefers world now I have my own and now we can keep even corals that seemed imposible back in the days all by "experinments"
When i stir my bed I suck the most of the old our with my siphon hose!!! Not directly siphoning my bed but siphoning my water then replacing it with fresh or mixed!!! I just want to clarify that my dad used to reef in the islands we had a concrete pool like tank that was connected to our beach front home as far back as I can remember then reefing started taking turns and then he started keeping softies even when skimmers wernt even invented (the berlin method of skimming back then it was the biggest break through in keeping corals and a healthier tank) but I use a Berlin XL rated for a 400gallon and a aqua euro 250 that is well more then enough to barely even have any crap in my tank!! My Berlin pulls the more solid stuff and the aqua pulls more of the lighter stuff (like some dark green tea) I like te Berlin method of skimming that's why my pops use to use) and it worked very great!!!
I don't think you really understand what is going on, an ecosystem would be complete cycle of life, without replacement you don't have that in a glass box & I never said anything about arguing. Whatever you make it out to be is great though and the part about you adding nutrients is backwards, you want to remove them as reefs are normally Void of them. I didn't say everything I said was fact, just the second sentence. All the flow in your glass box will never come close to the ocean or your lighting.
So that said you have to do your husbandry and whatever it takes to make up for that, however you do it is good for you and your tank and sharing your opinion is good also. I was just making points, not arguing, discussions and arguing are two different things.
Ok coo sorry bro just tryin to say my part and "excess nutrients" is what we want out not all nutrients!!! Without it corals wouldn't even live or have anything to thrive!!! Sorry bro and I'm adding u to the freinds list that was a good one!!! U and me are the opposite!!! But I'm cool bro!!!
Im just a person who has a big mouth and sorry bro!! Just saying what I've learned through the years!!! And I respect ur thoughts and comments!! I'm cool bro!!! I am still learning more and more and u tought me alot just talkin to u bro!!! So thanks for the info and maybe u can teach me more!!!
u aviously kno alot!! I'm young and I'm still stuck in te oldschool ways of reefing that's why I actuall studied before I even thought about keeping my own reef!!! Because my pops always said raising a reef is like raising kids!!! Lol when I was young I thought he wa crazy but now I understand reefing is a science hobby!!!