Question regarding LED lights

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Yeah a zoo garden would be awesome. With a few shrimp and a panda goby. Oh wait this isn't my tank.

Thats pretty much the direction I was going with it. Zoas and a two or three Bumble Bee Shrimp. No fish. Dont think it is quite big enough for fish, unless I can find some of those gobies, I think they are, that only get about 1" long. Then maybe two BB Shrimp and one fish.
Wow! It looks pretty good :)
I'll send your pictures on to Larry, he will get a kick out of them.
I'm glad you FINALLY have a light for that cute little tank!

He's right Todd. You did a great job, as did Floyd. I could not be happier with this light. It is awsome. Thank you all again. I will have to start a new thread in the Members Showcase Forum and post the link here.
Oh actually I think I started one in the nano reefs forum. I'll have to find it and update it.
And the crowd whispers in a chaoticly silent chant. "LIVESTOCK, LIVESTOCK, LIVESTOCK" Pictures with livestock
And the crowd whispers in a chaoticly silent chant. "LIVESTOCK, LIVESTOCK, LIVESTOCK" Pictures with livestock

Your so funny.

I'm sorry, but went to easter vigil last night and didnt get home till 1 am. Sooo, I didnt get up till late this morning, well I guess I have been up long enough. I did get a frag in the tank a little while ago, but have not had time to take a pic yet. Promise pics this evening. :)
Thanks nano, I'm glad you like it. I'm afraid this will be a one of a kind :)
I might do another if a deeper heat-sink were found, it would have been awesome if I could have fit the fan flush with the top and recessed the LEDs into the bottom.