RBTA split

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
Tacoma, WA
Well after having the BRTA grow up to 13" it finally split last night. It finished today around lunch time, the clowns are now going back and forth. I hope they stay together in the general area they were in before.



Wow, You were just telling me that you was surprised that it had not split for you. Now the small clown can have his own small piece of heaven.
This is probably one of the on times it's acceptable to say, "congrats on split".

I butchered the heck out of my comment using my phone.

Try this again.

This is probably one of the only times it's acceptable to say, "congrats on the split".
Thats the first time I have seen a RBTA attatched to the tank wall. Usually they foot umder the bottom of a rock. At lest all mine did. Has it always lived in that spot?
he has always stayed on the glass near the top of the tank close to the overflow. it moved to the bottom to split and now both are back at the top. It does keep its foot behind a rock but its still in the glass.
Is there a size they usually split at? Mines dang near 18". Is that bad?[/QUOTE I think nems are all different when it comes to splitting or not.I have a RBTA that gets to about 6 inches across before it splits.then i have seen some that don't split at all.

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