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I wish my own advice worked. While I started to get comfortable with the nem and the location it was in, I woke up this morning to it being stuck in a power head. The tentacles are damaged but the foot appears to be OK, i hope I can bring it back.
I wish my own advice worked. While I started to get comfortable with the nem and the location it was in, I woke up this morning to it being stuck in a power head. The tentacles are damaged but the foot appears to be OK, i hope I can bring it back.

No no no no no!!!!!
I don’t need that kind of thought running around in my head.

Sorry to here about that. Now I’m even more worried then before.
Hey Erik, nice score on getting one of Kirks nems. A BIG +1 on advice from jaygalindo for anemones water flow is as important as access to light in making thier decision to to stay put. You can take advantage of this also by blasting or eliminating water flow to an anemone to encourage it to relocate if you don't care for its place in the tank.


Well it is definitely in a low flow no light area. If it doesn’t make a move by this Sunday I think I’m going to relocate a power head and try and motivate it out into the open a bit more. I can see it if I use a flashlight and it looks great. Color is nice and good extensions and generally looks happy as if I could tell never having one before. It hasn’t moved in a few days and I know its can not survive where it is with no light. As you can see from the pictures I think it looks okay but Kirk if you remember the cave system on the left side of the tank. this is underneath in the cave. If it wasn’t for the flash from the camera the picture would be black in that cave.

Erik, is this the cave where the Vlamini hangs out? I think it is trying to get used to the lights in your tank...is there a way to remove some of the rock so some light can get to the anemone??

Pewpewlazerbeam, I have plenty more that are dinner plate size and of that color...will give you a great deal on them..


Let me know

Yes that’s the cave and no those are 4 very large rocks 40lb or more each and are the basis of the whole structure.
..and therefore not moveable :)

the particular anemone you got did not have alot of flow directly on it, just enough to make the tentacles sway back and forth..it was not near the inlets of my CL which get direct flow (that is the ones the clowns are in).

hope that helps.
It’s closer to the side that opens to the center of the tank. I’m hoping it will move that way. Lower flow there and I think the 14K lighting in the center is closer to what you have too. I would actually like to have it in the center there some ware as long as it doesn’t try and sting the toadstool.

I’m not going to worry about it now. I’m hoping it will move on by it self but if it doesn’t after being in there for a week I’m am going to move the power head on the left down and have it blow into the cave and maybe it will move out the other side where I’d like it and it should be happier in the light at that point in the tank.

I think its actually annoying my vlamingi, he seems a bit displaced lately hovering around the left corner of the tank at night when the lights are off.
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I've had really good luck by making cones out of plastic mesh gutter guard material from home depot or lowes, i just cut it out and 'sew' it into a cone w/ plastic zip ties. I haven't lost a 'nem since I put them over the powerhead intakes. One of my 'nems actually brushes his tenticals against one of them all the time, there just isn't enough suction to pull him in.
Hope that helps and your nem is doin fine!

Ps, they tend to hide like that for days or a week sometimes, when they get in a 'mood', or when aclimating.
Well its doing fine.
It is still in the same place and hasn’t moved an inch.
It stretches over a foot and a half to the left side of the cave opening and bends over the top of the rock to get light every day, and every evening it retracts to way back under the cave and doesn’t come out again until the lights come on in the morning. You can see it in the picture in the left side of the tank.
I had a rbta. the first day that I put him in the tank it went into the rocks where I could hardly see him. I woke up the next morning and he split, the two rbta's went all over the tank tring to find their happy place. they eventially stopped and came out so i could see them. They never went where I wanted them to go. I finnaly gave up and rearranged my coals away from them.
my first coral with be RBTA. They're so beautiful and great for my clowns. This post is very informative