Red Bug Topic

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Nice try :D. I didn't start this post to see a nice tank or if someones tank is nicer than mine. Its about spreading and treating this pest and what we all can do to help with the spreading of this pest
If you notice I stated no ones name or put one person responsable for redbug. The only people are the people KNOWINGLY spreading it weather its me or someother person.
I'm doing my part :D
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have we 'd been through this be fore ,,,,you must have the short memory,,your lost
:badgrin::badgrin:you will never shut me down this time,,,keep on talking:lol::lol::lol::lol,and you 'll, never will,,ha ha ha
Ill take frags from you anytime Dang...

After having AEFWs.... Red bug IMO is not that big of a deal. Ive treated my full tank twice with great success. Since my last irradication Ive simply dipped every coral that has been introduced with interceptor and iodine for about ten minutes gently moving the water with a turkey baster and. havent had any problems at all.

Really though, getting a coral from someone who says "these have red bugs" is far better than getting them from someone who doesnt have a clue. Im all for frag trading. You, as the person bringing stuff home from someone else, needs to be edjucated about the risks of person to person swaps or purchases. Its still far cheaper than getting stuff from the LFS.

Not to defend Dang or anyone else, but I picked up a frag of the miagi tort the other night and was told "It has red bug. Do you mind?" I didnt blink an eye. "No, doesnt bother me at all, I have plenty of interceptor at home. Do you need any? Thank you for such a nice coral" was my reply.

I guess my point is. There really is no way to eradicate this pest form the hobby because too many people dont even know they have them. Some that do, have beautiful tanks and dont want to eradicate all of their shrimp and pods just to make someone else happy. As Dang put it. Why mess with success. Unless you are getting you livestock form the LFS its up to you to ask, and then have the will power to not bring it home regardless of how pretty it is.
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Nice try :D. I didn't start this post to see a nice tank or if someones tank is nicer than mine. Its about spreading and treating this pest and what we all can do to help with the spreading of this pestIf you notice I stated no ones name or put one person responsable for redbug. The only people are the people KNOWINGLY spreading it weater its me or someother person.
I'm doing my part :D

That's what it's all about... so Tracy do you have any interceptor?:lol:
Well said...:)

Ill take frags from you anytime Dang...

After having AEFWs.... Red bug IMO is not that big of a deal. Ive treated my full tank twice with great success. Since my last irradication Ive simply dipped every coral that has been introduced with interceptor and iodine for about ten minutes gently moving the water with a turkey baster and. havent had any problems at all.

Really though, getting a coral from someone who says "these have red bugs" is far better than getting them from someone who doesnt have a clue. Im all for frag trading. You, as the person bringing stuff home from someone else, needs to be edjucated about the risks of person to person swaps or purchases. Its still far cheaper that getting stuff from the LFS.

Not to defend Dang or anyone else, but I picked up a frag of the miagi tort the other night and was told "It has red bug. Do you mind?" I didnt blink an eye. "No, doesnt bother me at all, I have plenty of interceptor at home. Do you need any? Thank you for such a nice coral" was my reply.

I guess my point is. There really is no way to eradicate this pest form the hobby because too many people dont even know they have them. Some that do, have beautiful tanks and dont want to eradicate all of their shrimp and pods just to make you happy. As Dang put it. Why mess with their success. Unlees you are getting you livestock form the LFS its up to you to ask, and then have the will power to not bring it home regardless of how pretty it is.
Oh Dang. No one is attacking you personally. No need to flame the thread. Next time I come over I'll just plop a couple of interceptor tabs in your tank like alkaseltzer and all of Seattle will breathe a sigh of relief. Then your corals will grow like even wilder weeds making you more frag money. You'll thank me in a couple years. :D :lol: :D
but if everyone did their part to kill them or refrained from selling their infested frags. It would be far less of an issue.
Just to be clear. When I say "you" in one of my posts I am generalizing. I typically mean the general public. I tend to get very specific with names or use alot of quotes when I want to single someone out.
but if everyone did their part to kill them or refrained from selling their infested frags. It would be far less of an issue.

Do you suggest that they should kill their frags rather than sell them? What about the people that dont know they have them? What about the wild colonies that have them that go to LFS that dont use good QT practices? What about the wild colonies that make it past a LFS QT with eggs that hatch a day after I introdce it into my tank.............. I could go on and on.

Yes, in a perfect world. Where everybody QT'd and everybody was as diligent as those of us up at midnight debating this. It would surely be far less of an issue

Trust me, If you ever get AEFWs. I hope you dont. Red bugs wont be an issue to you. There is a very easy way to get rid of red bug. Its called interceptor. Its part of the hobby and isnt going away now matter what you think of to help. There are too many variables.
trido I agree. We will never get rid of it. We all need to do what we can. The reefers that give it to reefers are the ones that keep it going. If you buy a wild coral and it has a AEFW,RedBug or anyother pest. Its not the same as spreading it and knowing your spreading it.
With that said. I think the best way to SLOW the spreading of pest is to keep it on the table and find a way we all can Quit the spreading of Pest.
If your spreading REDBUG and you know you have it Than shame on you :D
Originally Posted by tamarindthai
have we 'd been through this be fore ,,,,you must have the short memory,,your lost
you will never shut me down this time,,,keep on talking:lol,and you 'll, never will,,ha ha ha

Dang you still don't get it. It has nothing to do with shutting you down,short memery or talking.
If you dont get it its obvious you never will. I will help you its about spreading redbug and knowing your doing it SHAME ON YOU
FYI for everyone who keeps saying bugs dont lay eggs. Tegastes acroporanus are live bearers. More than one treatment is just to be sure......not to kill what may have hatched since your first treatment

I too have had aefw's and in comparison to red bugs its like stubbing you toe vs.blowing both your legs off with a grenade.
I too have had aefw's and in comparison to red bugs its like stubbing you toe vs.blowing both your legs off with a grenade.
:lol: Good analogy!!!!
I too got red bug by buying corals from local reefers. Shortly before they showed up I had bought some coral from a person who stated "the color is a little off because I just treated for red bug". I feel I got these because I just plopped these in my tank without dipping, that is my bad.

As far as treatment goes I talked to someone (sorry I am terrible with names) at Barrier Reef about the fact I did not want to treat the entire tank at this time as I had a pair of nice pistol shrimp I did not want to risk and knew I could not catch without tearing down the tank. This person advised that I should just dip the corals and try to control the RB population until I was ready to treat the whole tank (I told him I was planning to go to a much bigger tank early this year and felt I could treat the entire tank at that time). So I got some interceptor from my vet set up some tubs, mixed it up and moved the corals and the rocks they are attached to into the tubs for an hour, with heat and circulation. I have not seen a single red bug since that day, and have no plans for further treatment at this point. This method seemed to work for me! However, I cannot guarantee they are RB free (but am not sure if I would ever feel I could guarantee this now that I have had them once), so any corals that have gone out of that tank are dipped by me.
Mainly here I just wanted to share that this method seems to have worked, I had no polyp extension during the time with the RB and now 4 months later I still have good polyp extension and daily close (nose on tank) inspection has not revealed even one of these little buggers. And I did not have to risk any of my shrimp, which I really enjoy. Does anyone know enough about the life cycle to know how long without seeing any RB you would have to go to be fairly confident that they are gone?

dailydriven, I have some interceptor, if you do not need a whole lot, I will share (BR recommended a quarter tablet per 4 gallons for the dip). I have a vet I have been using for 20+ years and they had no problem selling me the interceptor, I just printed out the info on treatment from melevs (sp?) reef and explained to them what I was doing. If you have a vet you already use it should not be too hard to get.

I have recently seen some info on treating RB with Ivermectin and would definitely like to learn more about that. I use Ivermectin to worm my horses and can get a large tube of it for 1/3 of the price of the Interceptor, but do not know enough about it to know if you can use the horse paste in the reef tank or if you need to by a pure form of the Ivermectin. I imagine there is a significant amount of "inert" ingredient in this paste as the box shows it is 1.87% ivermectin paste, but I do not see anything that indicates what else is in it.
Fly guy: Here is what I keep reading
Quote :The treatment needs to be performed a minimum of 3 times as the medication does not kill them at every stage of their life. Thus, even though most adults may be killed in the first treatment, there may be some juveniles and eggs that remain which were not affected by the treatment. The third treatment is a “just in case” treatment, its goal is to get any bugs that could have possibly survived the first two.

Some people say they lay eggs and some say they don't. .
I did mine with one treatment as did others I know. Some do three or four. Not all of us are going to set up a QT tank.
So how do we deal with a frag we buy from someone
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