Red Bug Treatment/experienced losses?

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Jul 12, 2008
So I have treated my corals before with inceptor, but in a bucket. I am worried about treating the whole tank, which now I have to do. What have been peoples experienced losses when treating and what kind of dosing did you do? I have a Shrimp and Goby pair thats my biggest worry. Guessing the shrimp is doomed.

My pepperment died, all my hermits,im sure a ton of pods, and I think thats it. My porceline crab was fine. I think your shrimp would be a goner, unless you can get him out. My peppermint lasted intill the second dose a week later. I ran carbon about 8 hours after dosing all 3 times. I read it loses effectivity after 6 hours but who knows.

It did stunt my purple haze monti. It stopped growing for a while and lost color. The same happened to some of my sps, but the red bug was killing them anyway so it doesnt matter. They all have since recovered.
my experience with interceptor. I dosed a 1/2 tablet for my 52 cube ..70 gallon volumn. took uot all my crabs and shrimps i wanted. It did the job on the red bugs. 1 treatment and 6 weeks later no bugs. I had a huge nitrate spike due to assive die off of pods and unwanted crabs/shrimps. Was hoping a mantis would die but it didnt. It almost crashed my tank with nitrates hitting close to 100 and nitrite getting to almost 1. Lost 1 colony and a few frags but overall i am happy with the results.
Ive treated basically once a year for near four years now. Shrimps and crabs surviving is hit and miss. Ive always had pods survive and recover rather quickly and have never had a coral show any ill effects from it whatsoever. I've always eradicated the redbugs. The last two times with one treatment. I only end up with them again from lack of QTing corals from my close friends. I dont keep shrimps any more and very few hermits so I dont mind treating annually
Wow...I can only hope I never have to contend with these types of Red Bug infestations. Before my major SPS crash I think I had them...but they never had such ill effects on my SPS colonies that it warranted treatment.
When we dosed our whole tank, I used a large dog breed pill and split it up to the approx. size we would need for our 125. I did overdose a bit on purpose. If I remember correctly a large pill will treat up to 300 gals? It's been a while... Anyway, I left the treatment in for 48 hours before doing a water change and repeated the treatment 3 times, once a week. We lost our cleaner shrimp, some pods and our sleeper banded goby. I would see if someone could hold onto your goby/shrimp pair for a month while you do the treatment or setup a separate tank for them. The goby I had appeared to go blind by the treatment because it didn't eat afterward and died of starvation. All other fish (including a mandarin) snails, starfish, etc. lived.

I now quarentine and treat all new corals in interceptor (3 treatments each lasting 24-48 hours once a week) and watch closely for other pests before they go into the display. We have a couple dips for flatworms too.
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I did a whole 50-100 lbs pill in my 125 (160 totall)
I did half a pill then an hour later another half a pill
did a 20% watter change after 7 hours..
All bugs gone
Peppermint made it
Pistol shrimp made it..
Emerald crab made it..
No coral loss of sings of stress.
Actually looked beter than ever in about a week.
I moved the harlequin and the cleaner shrimp befor the treatment.
to add to this I did three doses 1/4 a pill per dose on my (50 gallon total) setup for three days and did not lose anything but hermit crabs. My cleaner shrimp and pistol shripm and everything else survived just fine.