Reef Keeping????

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Slow down people! Dont bambard the man with tank pictures and questions. Let him ease back into it! LOL;) It's nice to see you posting again mike! I have plenty of stuff free for ya when you want to get back into back breaking labor of sps! :lol: I hope life is treating you well! Let Paul and I know when you are up for tai food again.

Talk to you soon.:D

Eric "Salsaking"

Mike you sell your tank ? I hope not.
The "Craker Jack" Mojoreef and I mean Cracker Jack returns. :razz: I see you are still humping sheep dogs, so nothing has changed :badgrin:
great to have you back you can talk me out of putting sand in my new tank...damn, I was almost home-free there....:lol:

I see you are still humping sheep dogs, so nothing has changed
Well Boomer you didnt think I just learned about chemistry from you did you???:p ;)

Its all good Mike, a reef should be what ever you want it to be.

Thanks again folks the welcomes are sure nice

Its all good Mike, a reef should be what ever you want it to be.

Very true! The problem is some of us don't actually know what we want it to be. :confused: I went from a 90gal to a 75gal for better dimensions...Went from the 75gal to a 38gal for something a bit more manageable and to put in some crazy flow (a little over 100x turnover rate I had) to a 24gal to be even more simple seeing we were expecting at the time and now I have nothing because the 24gal was too small(LOL) Aw well...Better luck next time for me.:p

Good luck turning around your tank:)
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