reef theJ

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Jake, your tank is frickin RAD.
Mike, No, no frags from anyone yet :p all I have is the frogspawn and ric, both from Kevin
Don, So far everythign likes the green stuff EXCEPT the frogspawn, she keeps spitting them out in little cotton ball looking clumps. I think the chunks shes getting are too big, still dialing that in

So i moved my rock around a bit, anyone notice? :p
yea, unfortunately, the girlfriend is addicted to the hobby, the 'purchasing whatever' and 'impulse buy' side of things :/ Im trying to convince her to slow down a bit, I didnt even want to put the frogspawn in there last month :p
yea...I wanted to see it too...need to update mine too someday :)

Did you get that big flat shelf rock from Kevin?? I love that thing!! Gonna be keepin my eye out for one for my tank:p
Mike: yea, my domain expired, im in the process of getting it back, but it sucks++++ dont ever let your domains expire heh.

DaBrowns: yea dude! i love it! Its going to make a NICE little shelf for something, just not sure what yet :p real close to the lights and it gets a LOT of flow from that mj 12 blasting on top of it.. any thoughts? What do you think of the rest of the rock work? ive slowly been moving things around here and there trying to get some more flow, when I first set it up, i didnt know what i was doing so i kinda jammed them all together brick and mortor style hehe
Small update

I wanted to upload a few pics I have been sitting on, check em out:

Better shot of the front of the rockwork, with the riccordia happily perch'd on her own rock:

Skimmer (aquaC Urchin) production after 1 day:

CRAZY worm ive never seen before (hoping someone will ID):

I dont know what the occasion was, but all my hermits decided to have a party with the conch right in the front of the tank!

Clean up crew pot luck:
I know what you mean about pic and domains. I'm in the middle of switching from Photobucket to Kodak. I'm doing this for a couple reasons. #1. It's easier to upload an entire album from my Kodak software, instead of having to search for each pic I want to upload through Photobucket. #2. I already have a Kodak camera and the software so I can actually set pics to automatically upload to my web gallery from the camera (as soon as I plug the camera into the computer.)

I've run into 1 Kodak Easy Share Gallery doesn't allow me to post a link. Instead, I have to email invitations for people to view it. BUT...if I upgrade to the Premier Gallery, it'll allow me to have my own website that I can post links to. It also has several other benefits. I figure it's only $24.99 a year so I'm going to go ahead and set that up. In the meantime, my signature link isn't

Oh...back to your thread...and sorry for hijacking. Great pics and strange looking worm. I haven't a clue!!

Also looks like you're getting great skimming finally!!
i got my domain back!!!!!!!!! I cant describe how happy this makes me. now the updates link in my sig works, check it out! go to last page and work your way backwards for the most recent pics.
thanks dude! the tank is coming along nicely, and looks better every day. Except today, some sort of algae bloom kicked off this morning, waiting for that to subside :/ I still spend hours and hours a day staring at ROCK and sand, and my frogspawn and ricordia :p I cant WAIT till i get some more choice corals to drop in here, but i know i have to :/ I think my coments section broke, due to MASSIVE spam hackery, I got 400 some odd comments since i got the domain back up, all spam :(
New stuff!

Finally picked up this featherduster rock from kevin that I have been looking at for months. They look happy and perky in thier new home!

I would like to take a moment to remind any noobs out there, when pulling out your return standpipe, even if you have the ball valve from your pump closed, drain the overflow. I pulled my return standpipe to put my repaired scwd back on, and the bulkhead came loose with the twisting motion I used to get the pvc loose. Needless to say, I was cleaning up water EVERYWHERE for a couple hours. I lost the overflow to the carpet twice, because the first time I 'fixed' it I had filled the overflow to test for leaks, and it was leaking still, so I drained the overflow again. at least I thought I did, there was at least a few gallons left that ALSO ended up all over the floor.
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you know what, -i- posted that last post. just to clear up any confusion i might have caused, caseyb21 is my girlfriend. we have different accounts and i forgot to logoff!

we got new stuff! a couple turbos, an urchin, and yes, a clown! first fish!! we are very excited :) pics soon!