reefkeeping trend

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always kidding
Sep 1, 2003
La mesa CA
Wanted to discuss trend that have happened in the last few years in the hobby(not Corals). Tell us about your trend or if you have tried one of the trend.

Vodko- I dont see people posting about adding vodka to their tank anymore but six months ago it was commonly found

Zeo- haven't heard as much about this in the last couple months
Good thread Brad! Not many new trends for me pretty much the same concepts here...but I do have a week spot for new toys, lol
I have noticed over the years that most newer trends that come out are trying to manipulate biology. Most folks eventually find that these manipulations come at to high a cost and that to many checks must be put in place to control them.

yes it seems that people find a magic way to remove nutrients or suppliment the growth of corals. There is the this skimmer works better than that oneand It cant be explained why. Are their more bubbles or more contact time to allow proteins to attach?
Well there is the BB it a trend if people are going back to it???
And speaking of Skimers, I've noticed a pronounced trend towards Recirc skimmers....

Nice thread.

How about the “Shrimp Cycling Method” for jump starting the cycle on a new tank? When I first started getting into this ‘addiction,’ I kept hearing about using this technique. And as Mike stated, it would push the biology along. But I don’t hear much of it anymore.

This really applies to me, as I am finally getting ready to put water into the freakin’ glass box! :D
Let's see....

20K bulbs are the best....6500 are the best....10K are the best...etc.

Phosphate removers will save the world

Phosphate removers will kill your tank

Oceanic salt is the best thing since sliced bread

Oceanic caused the tank crash

Amino acids to enhance growth rates

Species specific tanks vs. mixed gardens

Electronic monitors for everything (even if they are unreliable or more difficult to use than their manual counterparts)
I do have a new personal trend, it is more relying on myself for doing things, making stuff, things just come out better that way, excluding a few items I'd rather not make. Whatever I'm doing now seems to be getting better as I go, things I wouldn't think of attempting that I now do I find really works well, the less I do the more I accomplish, instead of freaking out trying everything in the world, I just let things move at their own pace, some how it is less stressful for me & things are coming along smoother, I have this long term plan which I'm far away, one reason why you don't see too many pictures of my tank lately, it is in the growing stage, been there for some time, probably will always be in the growing stage, otherwise I'd probably get bored lol MY greatest fears are water on the floor & what do I do when I'm away, other than that it is all good, not perfect, not the way I want everything but it is progressing better each day. I don't know if this is a valid trend or just personal experience but hey I just posted it! :D

You'll have to excuse me again, been on pain pills for my back lol, that may explain it also!
Reed you know thier is some validity to alot of those things. I think the biggest problem is that most things we are calling trends are just way over sold, endorsed sworn by and so on. Lets look at some of your list
On the bulbs I guess we can all say what we would call the best so I guess all of the bulbs are the best, lol
Phosphate removers will work great, but thier nitch at getting Inorganic P is small and quick and if you use to much all at once your tank is going to take a PH hit. I guess this one was a great one for over sold and not thought out well.
Oceanic salt came in at the end of Dr Rons little phoo paw about everyones tanks going to die thingy and was way over sold and has some balance problems.
Amino acids will enhance crasy...but the problem is that the chance of them being poured in the sump and getting to your corals is almost impossible, everything and its mother in your tank wants them.

I think the key is to always go slow on the new stuff and if possible let other try it first, lol. then just break it down for what it is.

No doubt Mike. There is definitely some validity...the topic is trends. I'm not doubting some of the stuff works, but they came into vogue and went out over time. Some are still used with varying degrees of success, but they apeared to be trends in my opinion...but then again, what isn't a trend in this hobby ;).
How about this one...Lights...

Everybody always seems to be looking for the next greatest light setup...PC's T5's, LED's, Halogens, ect, yet we all seem to come bact to the good 'ol standbys, MHand VHO....

Is it me or are protien skimmers getting bigger again like the old counter current ones of 10 years ago. By the way beckett skimmers are so 6 months ago.
Needle wheel, I like simple, simple life, simple pleasures & one complicated Wife :D

(glad she doesn't read these)!
hey brad (sock puppet), you must remember those airstone skimmers. I believe that the best trend to follow, is to keep it simple. stay with the proven methods and let someone else try the new fads. once it becomes proven over a few years, then try it.
I have seen the beast 2 and If I was handy and had the tools I would consider making one myself. however building one with a hammer and a hacksaw and a dremel would be tuff.