reefkeeping trend

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Ill meet you halfway bud! Hey what do you know about sea apples, i have a pic in my gallery, lol, i do! I never hear of them and wanted to know about them, they look wicked
Had to Edit. to hostile of a mood. My bad. I love everything. Jiddy where are the Pics?
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By the way I always see one at a local fish store and just feel bad for the sucker who gets talked into taking it home.
Geez, i was just askin a question about them, didnt have to be so hostile, maybe you need some of Doni's Milk and Cookies
trends in UK -
Trickle filters were a big hit until people remembered to measure Nitrates
Miracal mud was in vogue until many realised play pit sand would do as its the miracal critters that colonise the mud thats important

And ongoing - all reefers on 2 forums in UK are directed towards 100% live rock and removal of ocean and tuffa rock
bradreef said:
great Idea. There was a great article I read a while ago about how a guy added one to his tank and when It died It wiped out the whole thing. I dare You to add one. Anything that is sluglike and colorful either wont live or will kill your tank. starfish, nudibranchs, cucumbers, sea apples, they all suck in one way or more. You should add them all to your tank and see what happens. throw in a carpet anenome and bammm. Just like Emeril.

What this about????? I thought we are here to help one another.
brad, that sounds like an experience. I think you should move that post to the things we have done and dont want to talk sock puppet with attitude gotta love
I have nothing but love for Jiddy. I look at those things every time I go to that store and I almost buy one. It just makes me mad seeing them constantly for sale. Every few months or so.
my lfs always has a beutiful collection of those wonderful nudibranches. what pretty colors. I bet jiddy would love to have some. show him the love brad and send him a seriously though, they do get in alot of those suckers, (apples and branches) they dont sell them. they actually complain to their supplier about getting them in. I do have a yellow cuke that split and if it splits again jiidys getting a piece...
I think we should stick to the NEW TRENDS concept, and a good trend is to stay away from sluglike creatures~!