Well, if the bulb is a true 14k bulb and does not emit UVA, UVB, UVC, or X-rays, etc,.
Old unfiltered MH bulbs emitted UV light and many people used them without a UV screen.
It is the quantity of light that matters --- photons --- some photons have more energy than others. Blue 50/50 bulbs and actinic penetrate to deeper levels because blue light is not filtered as readily by water as other wavelengths. You could run any tank on 50/50, actinic, or 20k bulbs --- it is that people want true color of their livestock so they run MH to penetrate to deeper levels.
I would say give it a try and see how the refugium life responds. I would be afraid to comment on the 30k bulb, it is out of the normal spectrum by 10k --- if you try please let me know how the life responds.
"Put a drop on a slide and look at it with a microscope, if the stuff is moving everything is okay. If is is not moving, change water!"