regal angel

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Apr 8, 2008
i have a 55 gallon sps tank i wanted to get a regal angel i'v seen people have them but then they tell me that there not reef safe . what r my chances .
Fairly reef-safe if you train them. (More later) However, it will outgrow your 55 eventually.


Always keep a clip with nori in the tank. However, that's not a sufficient diet. Find a small piece of rock with a number of holes in it. Feed it a food that contains sponge too. (I used Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula). Shove that food into the hole and put the rock in the same place everyday. The angel will go to that place automatically after a while when it sees you coming.
For a regal angel to be successful in a reef tank, it has to be THE dominant angelfish in the tank. If it has any competition at all, you decrease the likelihood of its survival. This fish requires meticulious care and patience (esp. if it goes on a feeding strike). The Red Sea variety (yellow chested) fares better than the IO (blue chested).

They are a gorgeous fish, but be prepare for some work.
A regal angel really should have a 300g+ tank and would do better in a 500g as it matures. Please think about it hard before making the purchase. In my experience angels like to swim a lot, my Asfur is constantly on the move swimming among the rocks and through the caves. Being in the confines of a 55 or even a 75 is likely to really stress this fish. There are a lot of nice dwarf angels that would be more suitable in your tank.

Before you pull the proverbial trigger and purchase this fish, you might want to read the Regal angel thread on RC. I followed this thread for 2yrs !!! and I am still hesitant in purchasing this fish.

This thread is so long that at the end of each page there is a link to another thread for performance reasons.

I highly suggest you read this thread. Keep in mind that the odds of keeping this fish alive in captivity are low, but if you have some money you can throw away and live with it, then so be it. :D
Kris with all do respect. Where are you getting 500 plus?

Like Augustus said I posted the links to the articles, a majority of my information regarding marine fish care has come from reading everything Lee Birch post and asking him a lot of questions. He is a valuable source of information that I respect as he has over 25 years of proffesional experience.

If the specific statement regarding tank size for a large angel is not in those specific links then it may have been in another post, but I do know it is Lee who stated it.
Yeah I read the links its not there, Lee did make the statement about an Imperator Angel they can get some 18-20 inches long in the wild. Regal angels max out at 10 at the very large end. I have never seen one in the wild larger than 8.
According to Lee healthy fish never stop growing so there is no true "max size". But if as you state a Regal is a smaller of the big angels, maybe a 300g would due long term, but this post is about putting one in a 55g which I don't feel is even a good short term solution. IME fish outgrow tanks rather quickly and with a delicate species introducing them to their permanent home is a better practice than hoping to be able to "tank hop" in the future and having the fish stressed due to lack of room and then if the tank is upgraded have the stress of moving to a new tank.

The regal was one of the angels I considered but in the end decided to go with a less delicate species of angel. Then after what I learned from Lee about the needs of fish, I knew I needed more room, so I upgraded to my current set-up, which if my angel reaches it potential size may still not be enough. I just hope to have many years before I face that problem (I got as close to 500g as I could in the space I have)

EDIT: Okay so it was driving me crazy wondering where I read that information so I found the post, and it was indeed in reference to a Emperor Angel, one of the larger large angels Emporer angel tank size

But while I was searching I found a recommended tank size for the smaller species of the large angel. Lee recommends 180 gallons up until they reach 5" and then a 300g.
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Despite the argument. We can all agree you CANNOT keep a Regal Angel or any 10" Angel / Tang in a 75 gallon tank.
It's not an argument just a friendly debate:) I try not to post anything without a good reference or clearly state it is only my opinion, so I did not mind at all be challenged on my facts, in fact I learned something from it! Guess I should throw in more smiley faces to show I am having fun with the debate:):):):):)
Debate, argument, friendly it what you will, but I think it comes down to responsible reef keeping which sometimes need education.

I would agree, keeping a regal angel in a 55 or 75 gallon is NOT responsible reefkeeping.
I totally agree with Kris. Whom is wonderful by the way. I just had read the post and couldn't find the cite. Lol I am in law school I have a problem. Anyway yeah right 75 regal bad. I just like making sure we do are best to cite authority and make decisions as accurately as we can. :)