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no. berghia, IMO, are like throwing money down the toilet. they don't live long, they are difficult to propagate, cost a lot of money, and move like molasses. For your situation, I would try REAL peppermint shrimp. There are a lot of shrimp sold in the hobby as such, but there is only one that actually eats aiptasia. Then you have to cut your feeding so they are forced to eat them.

I tried peppermints,

they all dissapeared,
I think the lion ate them

(I added 10, saw a couple hiding in the rocks the next day, and the lion looked fat, then never saw anymore)
:lol: forgot you had those non-reef safe fish! Yeah, mine all got eaten too. 50+ but I have fat and happy wrasses! :rolleyes:
with a tank the size of yours, can you not deal with them mechanically or chemically? can you pull the rock out? plug them with 2-part putty? zap them with lemon juice, vinegar, or hot water?
well, try plugging them up. if you get them all, you may win. Tage used kalk paste with some success. Some people report success with vinegar too. I have never found anything that actually killed them off though in all of the "testing" I did of various comercial products and home remedies. And the peppermints never ate them either.
sorry I never replied to this thread.... The yellow tang has been doing fnatastic even with the losses of the move he pulled through just fine he eats like a pig and gets along great with everyone. He has become a nice bright yellow as expected and has been disease free. Thanks again for letting me adopt him as he has been a fantastic tank mate. I will see if I can get a good pic of him today and post.
I am doing ok thanks after all this I think the "you may have some nerve damage" is more like you do have some nerve damage as the shoulder is either numb or extremly sensitive not much in between. Its ok it goes with the peripheral neuropathy that I have in my lower body, I tell you for turning 30 I am sure falling apart. How have you been? Hows the tank?
Tank is OK. Fish are happy, corals seem to like drama, and I am here to enjoy it all! :rolleyes:

Still dealing with back problems but it seems to be getting better very slowly. I would guess you are still in physical therapy?
my roommate (ryan) took the 2 damsels and the retarded clown, still has them.

the clown got a tankmate,
they are now laying eggs every couple weeks.

he's still got the damsels (the female clown "mongo" hates the black one)
they seem to be doing well

we also took 3 fuzzy dwarf lionfish,
all seemed to do well for months,

ryan tood 2 of them, I took one
one of ryan's got some sort of bowl obstruction,
he swelled up, and died after a month
the other seems to be doing very well, eating frozen krill and very attentive.

the one I took did very well till it ended up jumping out of the tank one night
I found him dried up on the pergo when I got home from work one morning. :(
damn fish sticks. they are everywhere. probably the wrong fish for that tank anyway. They need more space to be happy. Glad the clown is doing well.
YEAH. Kind of not a good idea for a lion to be in that small of a tank, especially when you are trying to keep a reef. It all depends on the other inhabitants and of course, water quality. Lions aren't commonly known for jumping so I would guess something was ticking it off. Even though it is a small fish, they are hunters/stalkers.
tank really didn't have much in it

and he always chilled upside down in one of 2 spots in the tank

was eating well,
frozen and live feeder shrimp regularly.

my girlfriend says she thinks the cat pulled him out,
(she'd seen the cat watching the tank lately)
but I've never seen the cat anywhere near the rim of the tank
well, you probably will never know the "why" unfortunately. I lost a wrasse a few moths back, and although my tank is very deep, something must have spooked it. But then again, they are known to be a bit vertically inquisitive.
I never posted the pic I promised so here is one I took a few days ago...

First in the FTS...

and one a little closer up...


I really need to spend some time and learn how to take better close ups I also should get a telephoto lense for my camera I know that would help out a lot.
Very nice tank. Considering all that you have been through, quite an accomplishment to have such a clean, well kept system.

Don't forget about the generous offer made at the beginning of this thread...